Baby Names: Infant, Gerber

Results 31-40 from 131 articles

Rash, Rash, Rash!!!!!

K.R. asks from Los Angeles

Where do I begin? I took Bella into the pediatrician's office for what I thought was sever diaper rash. Her doctor sent me home with medication for a yeast infectio...


My 17 Month Old Won't Eat Much. Help!

S.D. asks from Dallas

I have a 17 month old daughter who will not eat red meat or veggies. The only meats she will eat are white meat (chicken and pork) and seafood. I offer her everything...


Bleeding Gums & Chipping Teeth

T.R. asks from Indianapolis

My 11 month old has 7 teeth and recently, his gums have started bleeding and his two front teeth have chipped. Dentists don't want to see him at his age. Is this norm...


Lactose Intolerance in Infants

A.R. asks from Madison

Does anyone have an infant who is lactose intolerant? If so, what are the symptoms? I have a 6 month old boy who is primarily breastfed with formula supplemented. ...



J.W. asks from Salt Lake City

I've been breastfeeding my baby since birth, now at 3 months old she refuses a bottle. She took her first bottle at a month old, then starting refusing them. She ba...


Question About Having Babies Close Together

A.H. asks from Jacksonville

I am due in 9 weeks with my third baby. My second child will only be a year old when this baby is due. I am wondering what to do about a baby bag. I have one now that...


Seeking Recommendations for Obstetrician Downtown Chicago

C.K. asks from Chicago

HELP!!! I have just found out I am pregnant with our second child. I am in the very early stages and need your feedback/recommendations for a GREAT obstetrician/gro...


Store Brand Verses Name Brand

S.M. asks from Philadelphia

I have noticed such a difference in price when comparing name brand diapers and toiletries to store brand items. I have even seen Breck baby toiletries at the dollar...


Chapped Lips and Jaundice

A.K. asks from New York

Our baby girl was born this past Friday and she now seems to have a touch of jaundice and she also has chapped lips. I am looking for recommendations on how to fix b...


10 Month Old Not Crawling

D.G. asks from San Diego

I have a 10 month old baby girl. She is not crawling but she rolls all over the place. She is also not pulling herself up yet but she will stand and hold on to some...