Activities: Toddler, BOB

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15 answers

Toddler/preschooler Swimming Lessons

My husband wants to have our daughter, who will be 3 in a couple months, start swim lessons. I'm not sure. In the summer time we go to the beach and our neighborhood pool in the summer I encourage her to be in the water. We play in the water, I help her "float," etc. So she is comfortable in water and learning some basic things. My questions are: Would swim lessons at this age be much more than that? (getting her comfortable in the water and using her body in it) What's the ideal age to take swim lessons where she will actually...

Indoor Fun

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15 answers

Seeking Lightweight Stroller for 13 Month Old

I currently one of the Graco travel system stollers and finding it to be a bit bulky and useless now that my son is 13 months old. Looking for a good, lightweight stroller to last him through 3-4 yrs old. I looked at the Maclaren but was not thrilled with it and didn't like the 2 separate handles. The 2 strollers at the top of my list are the Mini Jogger and Quinny Zapp. Does anyone have any opinions on these two strollers? Or any other suggestions on different brands? I would prefer a stroller that has the option to recline. Also, I don...


Busy 2 Year Old

Ok Moms, I've got such an energetic 2 year old. (Yes I know, you're all...

TV & Videos

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8 answers

TV And Video

There was a post up earlier this week which got me thinking about our TV viewing, and I have a follow up questions for all you great Mama's :) My son is nearly 3. We watch little TV, Sesame Street, Clifford, or George on PBS (rarely - like once very 2 weeks he'll watch one of these 3 on PBS) and he loves Bob the Builder. We have 4 Bob DVD's and when he is allowed TV time, that is usually what he chooses. He gets a little TV time about 3 days a week, and MOST of these days he chooses Bob. My question is, should I be encouraging...


Bob the Builder

My son caught an episode of Bob the Builder at his grandmom's house and is...


A TV Question...

Do you ever think about the fact that every single day more and more people...

Watching TV

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28 answers

Television Watching and Small Children

Can I be honest here? I feel like my kids are watching too much t.v. They wake up and start watching t.v. I think they watch about an hour in the morning before breakfast. Then, we're off on our day, wherever that may take oldest goes to preschool 3 days a week. I go to the gym most mornings. Then, while I make lunch, they watch another hour or so....usually Nick Jr. type shows. After lunch, it's nap time/quiet time. After nap, they watch about another hour while we wait for the baby to wake up. Then, we play, errands,...