Aches & Pains: Infant, The First Years

Results 61-70 from 1,119 articles

Please Help!!!

K.A. asks from Spokane

My 18 month old daughter has a ear infection along with a cough. She refuses to take her medicine. I know it sounds ridiculous that two grown adults can not get a 18...


Would like More Involvement from My In-laws with Our New Baby.

J.M. asks from San Francisco

Where do I start...? My mother and I haven't spoken in quite some time - before my husband and I were married and had our first baby. So it wasn't a suprize to me w...


10 Month Old Baby Not Sleeping Through Night Yet.

L.L. asks from Provo

My 10 month old baby boy has rarely slept through the night. He usually only wakes up once between 3-6, but the ONLY way to get him to go back to sleep is for me to n...



R.C. asks from San Antonio

I NEED ADVICE! My soon to be ex husband wants to have custody on the weekends of my son. The problem I have is that my son is 2 and a half, daddy never was around w...


Is Nursing to Sleep Really That Bad? And, Getting a Baby on a Schedule?

B.F. asks from Denver

Hi, I have a 4-month-old son who has always struggled with sleep. He hasn't napped regularly until just recently, where I can sorta see a pattern forming. I know...


New Mommy Going Back to Work

C.W. asks from San Diego

Hi there, I have been home with my daughter for almost 4 months and am getting ready to go back to work on the 17th. I can't help but get emotional every time I ...


6 Month Old Refuses Bottles and Baby Food

J.L. asks from Anchorage

My daughter used take a bottle just fine then at 3 months she just stopped. I have tried since then to get her to take them again and she wont have anything to do wit...


2 Month Old Wont Take a Bottle, HELP I Have to Go Back to Work Soon....

J.M. asks from Minneapolis

I am wondering what has worked for other moms? Or if anyone HAS gone back to work with their child not taking a bottle - What happened? My 2 month old son continues ...


Trying to Get a Newborn Back in Her Bed.

K.P. asks from St. Louis

I have an almost 4 month old breastfed baby girl who is sleeping with us in our bed. This started when I went back to work and because I was tired in the middle of t...


Baby Cries Constatnly

M.S. asks from New York

Need suggestions for a 2.5 week old who cries OCNSTATNLY on an emergency level for EVERYTHING. The only time he is quiet is after I feed him and when he is sleeping. ...