Hair: Dora the Explorer

22 answers

Hair Care for an Active 3 Year Old

I would like advice - my 3 year old daughter has beautiful long hair that falls in ringlet curls. However, I am having difficulty brushing it because she screams the whole time I do this. We tried 2 different varieties of "no more tangles" and she doesn't like the smell. I am considering just cutting it until she is a bit older. Any ideas to help me keep my sanity in the morning? Thank you!


How Do I Explain

My husband lost his job two days before Christmas. In January, we had to...


Too Much TV

I have a 17 month old girl. I stay at home all day with her. Which i feel...

Dry Hair or Scalp

9 answers

Help with 2Yr Olds Hair Care

I have a 2yr old with alot of hair. I was using baby shampoo when she was born till about when she was 1yr old, she just seemed to have an itchy scalp. So I switched to Loreal's kids shampoo, but she still had an itchy scalp. I went back to the baby shampoo for toddlers. But still the same result. She gets itchy and her hair gets tangles. I am looking to see if there is anyone out there with some suggestions on what kind of shampoo I could use to help with the itchy scalp and help with the tangles. When I mean she has alot of hair picture...