Games & Cards: Teen, Halo

10 articles

Opinions on Halo Video Game

K.B. asks from Los Angeles

Curious if anyone knows much about the video game Halo. My son is visiting my in-laws and his grandmother bought him Halo 4, is it appropriate for a 9 year old? I wou...


Teen Rated Video Games. Am I Being Overprotective????

T.J. asks from Raleigh

First off let me say I love my sister dearly. We are really close. At least once every couple of months we get together with the kids and meet somewhere mutual. We l...


Unuentertaining 2 13-Year-old Boys, 2 10-Year-old Girls and One 6 Year Old Girl

R.P. asks from Salt Lake City

I am watching my nephew this summer because he is diabletic and not taking control of it. His mother has tried everything she can and had to get a job to pay for his...


Game System for 10 and 15 Yr Old Boys

B.R. asks from Milwaukee

The boys have a ps2, but it's definitely had it's use and time to replace it. I say we should get them a wii. Husband says xbox 360, but then we talked to a sales r...


Are You an X-box Widow? If So, Please Respond!

C.P. asks from Los Angeles

My friend was complaining yesterday that her daughter's husband spends every free minute in the evening playing on the X-Box. I told her that I had a feeling that is ...


Which to Buy???

L.H. asks from Dallas

Hey Mamas, My son will be 7 in March and I am trying to figure out which game system to buy. We have a game cube, but you can't buy games at Wal-Mart , Target anymo...


HELP! Wii, Xbox360, PS3, Which Do We Choose? :(

R.J. asks from Tallahassee

HELP! My husband and I are so confused as to what gaming console to buy our children for Christmas. They want a Wii, they want an Xbox360, they want a PS3….. They d...


Should I Let My 10Yo Son Quit Tae Kwon Do?

J.M. asks from Wichita

My son is 10, nearly 11. He is very smart and funny and likes video games and playing on the computer. He is not very athletically inclined. I mean, not exceptiona...


Puppy Names

C.L. asks from Minneapolis

I know in the greater scheme of things this is an insignificant problem, but my family is getting a puppy in about a week and we are struggling to agree on a name for...


Grandmother (Single) Raising Two Grandchildren - Boy 12, Girl 10

K.B. asks from Springfield

How do you handle sibline rivalry along with your rules vs their friends parenting style. I know that is a wide subject. Ex. Computer time and what they can do? Wa...