Urine: Resinol

68 articles

Diaper Rash Question

K.N. asks from Chicago

My 19 month old daughter has a really bad diaper rash, so bad she cries when she pees and doesn't want to take a bath. I have been using a few different remedies, but...


Diaper Rash

A.B. asks from Tulsa

My daughter has a diaper rash from having diarrhea, every time i put her rash cream on her she screams in pain like it is burning her.. i have tried so may different ...


9 Month Old's Sore Bottom

J.F. asks from Chicago

My 9 month old has an extremely sore bottom. He is teething and has been having frequent bowel movements that are somewhat liquidy. Consequently he has been getting...


What to Do About Diaper Rash

M.D. asks from Chicago

my daugher is 12 months and for some reason gets a rash every other week. it gets bad and she cries. i try to keep her dry and have tried new diapers. is there some...


Rash, Rash, Rash!!!!!

K.R. asks from Los Angeles

Where do I begin? I took Bella into the pediatrician's office for what I thought was sever diaper rash. Her doctor sent me home with medication for a yeast infectio...


Help My Niece Has a 4 Weeks Old Son, and Would like Feedback on the Following...

S.H. asks from San Francisco

My 20yrs. old, niece just had a son. He's 4 wks old. She is a first time single mom and she takes very good care of him, but she has a few concerns. Please HELP!!! ...


Diaper Rash

T.R. asks from Reading

Good Morning Ladies - I'm hoping you may have some suggestions for me. I have a 7 month old girl who has a really bad case of diaper rash. I've done everything - ...


Severe Diaper Rash During Flu

K.R. asks from Boise

My son who is 15 months old has had the flu for about 4 or 5 days now and has awful and I mean really awful diaper rash from all the diarrea he has had. What can I d...