Sleep Problems: Miralax

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12 answers

Miralax Vs. Suppositories

I took away my son's pullups and he is withholding his stool now. Today is the 3rd day. I think he just needs to poop once in the potty and he'll be OK. He's scared of the notion and he needs to see that it's OK to poop in the toilet. So I know there's a buildup of poop in his system. he was dancing around yesterday trying to hold it in. I've given him lots of fiber and juice/water so I know it's inevitably going to come out soon. In case it doesn't by tonight, I want to make him go so he doesn't get constipated. I'm debating the...


5 Month Old Sleeping

Hello, my baby is 5 monthes old. She is bottlefeed and still gets nursed a...