Signs & Symptoms: Ergo

Results 1-10 from 139 articles

Sleep Help

J.B. asks from Seattle

My almost 7 month old daughter has always had trouble sleeping. Getting her to sleep for naps or at night has always been a challenge. She is a light sleeper and ra...


17 Month

B.C. asks from New York

I need advice on getting my 17 month old son to nap. He never really has napped on his own. He'll sleep in the car, ergo or stroller but not in his crib. My husban...


Sinus Surgery

M.B. asks from Dallas

I am having sinus surgery in a few weeks, including surgery to repair a deviated septum. The doctor said I cannot take care of my daughter for a week, so my mom is co...


8-Month Old Going Through Very Trying Time!

N.T. asks from Spartanburg

Our almost 8 mos old boy has always been the happiest baby but has become very cranky and demanding over the last week. I've tried to give him grace because I didn't ...



T.S. asks from Cincinnati

Ok daughter is going thru a time right now that she wants to cry....cry....and very loudly! Well she just started a new sitter and I think th...


Potty Training

R.S. asks from Fayetteville

My LO is 15 months. He has been taking his diapers and pull-ups off after he pees in them and brings them to me. He even decided one day to poop in my floor after bre...


Swa14 Week Old Will Not Nap Without Crying Her Head Off, Only Naps If I Hold Her

A.K. asks from San Francisco

Our 14 week old ALWAYS cries herself to sleep during daytime naps, no matter what we do. We try to put her to sleep as soon as she shows signs of sleep by picking her...


Silent Acid Reflux

J.M. asks from Dallas

My 11 week old just doesn't eat normally. He use to have terrible gas and we seem to have resolved that by changing his formula to Nutramagin. He is still crying (t...


Daytime Sleep and Fussiness

A.M. asks from Buffalo

Hello all. Our little girl is now 8 weeks. We have been forumla feeding since week 2 due to complications. We have her on Nestle Goodstart with Omega. Our pro...


Refuses All Formula

D.P. asks from Los Angeles

8 mo. old baby girl allergic to soy and dairy (causes mild to moderate rashes). Recently stopped breastfeeding per doctor's direction, switched to hypoallergenic/ami...