Self Feeding: Toddler, Munchkin

Results 31-40 from 326 articles

6 Month Old "Menu"

K.B. asks from Boston

Hi! So my 6 month old little girl just started eating solids in the last month or so. Needless to say she loves them, so far we have had bananas and sweet potatoes....


Need Advise on How to Discipline a 1 Year Old Who Has Tantrums

D.R. asks from New York

Looking for advise from mothers who have had similar situations. My son just turned One a little under a week ago. I noticed he has these tantrums when he is put in t...


9 Month Old Not Sleeping

D.P. asks from Denver

I have a 9 month old girl and I can't get her to sleep on her own. She either falls asleep nursing or I have to rock her or lay her on my chest. What happens is she...


Help! 8 Month Old Not Eating Solids!

A.W. asks from Los Angeles

Okay, so I've been trying to feed my 8 mo. old rice cereal, oatmeal cereal, bananas, carrots, sweet potatoes, pears, etc. but he just doesn't open his mouth to eat! T...


3 Month Old Is Teething

B.P. asks from Phoenix

My 3 month old son is teething really bad already. I have tried everything. Tylenol, teething rings, cold wash cloth, warm wash cloth, baby oragel and he is miserable...


5 Month Old Teething

H.W. asks from Des Moines

Is it normal that my 5 month old refuses to eat cereal now that he is teething? He loved to eat it before, but has cried each time I have tried for the past week. h...


3 1/2 Month Old Son Refuses to Take the Bottle

M.E. asks from Denver

I am a mother who is at her whits end with trying to figure out a way to get my son to take a bottle. I can't afford to drive everyday to daycare to breastfeed him an...


My 11 Month Old Son Will Not Eat Much Food, He Only Wants Bottle

B.F. asks from Sarasota

my son will not eat much of anything, i have tried all kinds of foods. he will not feed him self either. all he seems to want is his bottle. Ive tried getting him to ...


Goats Milk for My 9 Month Old...

A.E. asks from New York

Hi moms! After our 9 month check-up at the pediatrician, I asked about weaning my EBF son. Much to my surprise, I was advised that since my boy has been growing so ...


My 2 Month Old Won't Take a Bottle Anymore

G.L. asks from Dallas

I had a little girl on the 30th of May and have been breastfeeding her since then. I am a school teacher so have had the summer off and have been breastfeeding on dem...