School: Infant, Evenflo

Results 31-40 from 201 articles

Getting My Baby to Accept a Bottle

L.Q. asks from Washington DC

Hello. I am a new member to this community and I really advice. My 5 month old will not accept a bottle. I have breastfed her exclusively. I need to go back to school...


2.5 Year Old Outgrowing Carseat - What Next? a Booster?

P.L. asks from Minneapolis

My daughter is 2.5 (she'll be 3 the end of Feb) and she's getting close to the height and weight max for our carseats (Evenflo's). She refuses to wear her winter jac...


Sunshinde Kids Carseat Question or Any Other Suggestions?

M.P. asks from Provo

Hey moms! I have a huge baby. He's 28 lbs and 30 inches at 9 months. When he was 3 months old he out grew his infant seat so I got a britax marathon. I love the seat!...


Double And/or Sit-Stand Stroller

E. asks from Madison

I am looking for a compact, easy to transport stroller for my infant and toddler. I'm intrigued with the sit-stand stoller and would appreciate feedback from anyone ...


Safety of Long Term Play Yard Use?!

S.T. asks from Houston

My now 3 year old slept in a Graco Pack N Play until she was 1 1/2 and old enough to sleep in a toddler bed. It was kind of old so I purchased a much newer Evenflo v...


10-Week Old Won't Take a Bottle

N.K. asks from Atlanta

We have been trying to get our breastfed ten-week-old boy to take a bottle ever since he was three weeks. Unfortunately, he will be starting daycare in two weeks and...


Best Stroller and Car Seat for 1 Yr. Old

N.L. asks from San Francisco

Hi Moms, My daughter will be one in a few weeks, and I wanted to hear from all the moms about which stroller and car seat is best. She is almost grown out of her in...


Bottle for Newborn

S.G. asks from Seattle

Hi, I am currently 36 weeks pregnant and went shopping for necessary baby items. But going to the stores only add to my confusion. There are whole bunch of bottles...


Looking for the Right Breast Pump

K.V. asks from Des Moines

I'm expecting my second child in September. With the first one I borrowed a Medela Breast Pump from a friend, however this time we will both have new babies only a f...


Car Seat and Diaper Bag

M.T. asks from Austin

Hi! I'm looking for a convertible/combination car seat. I want one of those that can be used from 22 lbs with the 5 point harness and then remove the back and be used...