School: Child, Teddy Bears

Results 21-30 from 138 articles

Homemade Christmas Ornament Ideas??

A. asks from Dallas

Attention craft mama' know you are out there:) I need some help coming up with a few good homemade Christmas tree ornaments to decorate a nursing home tree. My...


What Are Some Ex of Random Acts of Kindness for Classromm Setting??

C.C. asks from Philadelphia

Hi I am teaching a class at my childs school. Can you give me some ideas I can do a classroom setting for Random Acts of Kindness. The first week we made cards for th...


Just Have to Brag a Bit

A.W. asks from Chicago

Good morning Mamas! I have to brag about my girl this morning. She got up, got ready for school, made her bed, and fed the cats all with no problem. There were no arg...


Need Evening Indoor Activities for 2-Yr. Old Not Always Interested in Toys

L.C. asks from Seattle

A little background: I teach 9th grade English full time at a fairly demanding Eastside junior high. I am fortunate to get about a half-hour to an hour of "down tim...


I Need Help with Daughter Touching Other Kids Inappropriately

K.C. asks from Nashville

My daughter is four years old and just started pre-k. She's been in the same day care since she was six weeks old prior to starting school. She seems to be doing rea...


MDO Has New Policies

L.P. asks from Dallas

I just want to know if this is normal? My 2 year old daughter started going to MDO in January and she loved it! She has been asking when she will go back. They sent o...


Behavior/Separation Anxiety

B.G. asks from Los Angeles

I am a school teacher and was able to take a year off work...then couldn't find a job after moving so I have been serving tables at night. I finally landed a part tim...


1St Birthday

M.P. asks from Chicago

My daughter's first birthday is in a month and we are having the party at home with about 50 or so people. I'm serving pizza but am at a loss about a theme or colors...


Eating Breakfast on the Go!

A.I. asks from Topeka

My daughter just runed 4 years old. I have a hard time to get her to eat breakfast in the morings before we go to Preschool. She will say that her stomach hurts, (w...


Preparing Children For/coping with Impending Death of Grandma/mom from Cancer

T.D. asks from Salt Lake City

How have you dealt with caring for a parent struggling with terminal cancer (or any illness, for that matter) and helping your children prepare for their death? How ...