Safety Harness: Older Child, Britax

Results 21-30 from 288 articles

Booster and Five-Point Harness

J.R. asks from Denver

My son will turn 4 in April and he's about to grow out of his convertible car seat. I need to buy him a booster. I'd like to stay with the five-point harness, if po...


Two Questions in One - Britax and Storage for Toddler's Room

J.P. asks from Boise

Rather than try to manage two questions, I thought I would ask them both in one. 1. I have the Britax Boulevard CS for my 2 yo. He is forward facing, and I thoug...


Booster Seat Vs. 5 Point Harness

L.D. asks from Spartanburg

My son went for his 4 year old check up today and I was surprised when his pedi recommended a high back booster with a 5 point harness. We had just just bought him a ...


5 Point Harness Booster Seat

A.C. asks from Allentown

Hi My son is now 4 and I need to switch him to a booster seat as he has outgrown is car seat. I do not feel comfortable putting him in a regular booster seat and us...


Car Seat 5Pt Harness vs Booster

H.J. asks from Minneapolis

So I recently began researching into car seats again. A little background...we have always been big into car seat safety and have never put a price on our kids seats,...


Highback Booster Seat W/5 Point Harness for Tall Kids? What Do You Use?

W.D. asks from Chicago

My 4 1/2 year old is ready to move out of her Britax Boulevard - which we have loved. But she's getting too tall for it and the harness is getting pretty tight. Espec...


Swithcing from 5 Point Harness to Seat Belt Booster

P.G. asks from Dallas

My son is 3.5 and we've still been using the carseat with the kid-harness belt instead of the car seat belt. He seems fine with it and it still fits, though the openi...


Car Seat or Booster Seat for VERY BIG 7 Year Old ?

N.M. asks from Des Moines

My 7 year old boy is 4 foot 2 and he weighs 106 pounds, I can't find any car seats which are in his weight range, and I cant find any seats that he can fit into, ive ...


Am I the Only One That Keeps My 5 Year Old in a 5Point Harness Carseat?

K.G. asks from Boca Raton

It's seems like I am the only one that doesn't have my son in a booster seat.... I still put him in a 5 point harness carseat.. IMO, it's a lot safer... All my son's...


5 Year Old Wants Out of a 5 Point Harness Seat

C.H. asks from Chicago

My 5.5 year old son has been asking to upgrade to a booster seat (he claims the harness seats are for babies) and I’ve been telling him he’s not big enough (he ne...