Pumped Milk: Gerber

Results 51-60 from 769 articles

Proper Storage of Milk

M.B. asks from Rochester

I have been debating pumping for the past 5 months of 7. I am leery of the plastic and it's 'phthalates' and other garbage that is newly discovered in it. Now, I have...


Breast Pump Recommendations

S.S. asks from San Francisco

Hi, I am due to give birth in 2 months with my first baby. I am planning to breast feed and would like some advice on breast pumps, which brands work best etc. Any a...


Storing Breast Milk

G.N. asks from Dallas

Hi Ladies - My daughter is due any day now and I want some advice from those that know on breast milk storage containers. I'm have a Madela Pump in Style which ca...


Starting Milk at 11 Months

T.O. asks from Philadelphia

My daughter will be 11 months soon and I have to go back to work in September. I would like to cut down breastfeeding so I don't have to pump during the day at work ...


Milk Storage Bags Leaking!

S.A. asks from Binghamton

HELP! I have been freezing loads of my breast milk. I LOVED the Lansinoh freezer bags, but lately, every time I thaw out a bag- it LEAKS all over!!!!! Do I need to...


Milk Storage Bags

R.K. asks from Minneapolis

Does anyone know of any breast milk storage bags (for freezer) that can also serve as a bottle liner that works for the actual feeding? It would save the step of tran...


Bottle Feeding Breast Milk: Baby Wants More Milk than I Can Produce on Weekdays

C.W. asks from Los Angeles

Mornings, evenings and weekends, I exclusively breast feed my 6.5 month old. On weekdays, I pump milk and bring it home. I have some extra milk stored up that was pu...


What Can I Do to Increase My Milk Production?

W.R. asks from Jacksonville

Help! I'm desperate! I have a 5 week old baby and overnight it seems my milk production has really slowed down. When I woke up in the middle of the night and again...


Milk Supply Diminishing? Please Help.

C.M. asks from Los Angeles

My son will be four months next week and is exlusively breast fed. I went back to work a couple weeks ago and have been pumping at work. I go home for lunch to feed h...


Milk Protein Allergy?

K.V. asks from Philadelphia

Yesterday I fed my 3 1/2 month old a bottle of formula for the first time. After 2 oz., the area around his mouth became blotchy and his cry sounded hoarse. I immed...