Preschool: Toddler, Epi Pen

Results 21-30 from 88 articles

Get Allergy Alert Bracelet for Toddler?

J.L. asks from San Francisco

My 2-year-old has severe allergies to cow's milk, eggs and soy, and milder allergies to peanut and almond. His allergist recommended we get him a bracelet to wear th...


Should I Be Concerned About My Son's Solid Food Intake

R.J. asks from Las Vegas

Hello, I am a first time mom to an almost 1 year old boy. He is still having some issues with solid foods. He loves his formula, he loves his baby food, but when it c...


Early Kindergarten or Not? Also, Food Allergy and Schools.

M.O. asks from Phoenix

Well, I'm sort of torn on what to do over here. For a few years, I have done in home childcare/preschool for both my son and other people's children. For my son bei...


Rant - My Son's Day Care Gave Him Peanut Butter for snack...He's ALLERGIC!!!

M.P. asks from Green Bay

DS will be 3 in June. We have suspected a peanut allergy for 2 years now - my parents gave him PB sandwich when he was 10 mo old. It is common knowledge within our fa...


Need Different Food Options for My Daughter

L.G. asks from Denver

HI I have a soon to be 1 year old who has been allergic to milk,eggs,and peanuts since about 5months old. As she is getting old I am finding it hard to find differen...


Son W/ Multiple Allergies. Help!

K. asks from Chicago

I just found out today that my 13-month-old son, who I thought only had a milk allergy, which was bad enough, also is allergic to peanuts and eggs. Needless to say, ...


Need Advise on a Toddler with a Newly Diagnosed Peanut Allergy

S.N. asks from Washington DC

My 22 mnth old daughter was recently diagnosed with a allergy to peanuts. If there are any moms out there who have children with this conditon, please offer advise on...


Nut Allergy

L.M. asks from San Luis Obispo

My 27 month old son was diagnosed with an allergy to all nuts last week. I would love any advice, suggestions, and resources from anyone who has experienced this (pa...


My Neighbors Son Is NOT Allergic to Peanuts, But....

G.T. asks from Rochester

My neighbors son is NOT allergic to peanuts. But a new boy that moved here about a month ago and was put in his kindergarten class is. There are 4 different kindergar...


My Son Has Nut Allergies. Where Do I Start?

S.S. asks from Reno

I suspected Walnuts, but it turns out my three year old is allergic to a lot of tree nuts. The doctor says to cut out (really cut out) all nuts. The skin test did not...