Stages & Milestones: Toddler, Epi Pen

15 answers

Pre-School Interview Questions

My son is going to be 3 in January. I am thinking that I need to start looking at pre-schools. Any tips for interviewing the preschools/learning centers? Since this is my first child I am not sure what I really need to look for when I go to see what they are all about. Thanks in advance!!

Eating Solid Foods & Weaning

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14 answers

11 Month Old Allergic to Dairy and Weaning from Breastfeeding

Hello, My 11 month old son has been exclusively breastfed (he takes breast milk from a bottle at day care). I would like to work on weaning him in the next couple of months, however, I don't know what to wean him onto. I know that babies normally go to whole cow's milk, but he seems to be allergic to dairy. He developed a contact skin rash on his face and constipation when I introduced yogurt at 7 months. A couple of weeks ago, I was short on breast milk so without thinking I sent him to day care with some milk-based formula that had...


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9 answers

Epi Pen ????

My daughter is allergic to peanuts and we just went and picked up her epi pen and I noticed that it exp in may 2007. That just doesn't seem to be a very long shelf life for something that you hopefully will not need to use often. Of course if this is the norm that is fine but I feel like maybe the pharmacy just gave me an old one that they had on the shelf and if that is the case I am going back up there. So if someone could check theirs and let me know I would sooo appreciate it!