Pregnancy Sleep Issues: Safeway

Results 1-10 from 45 articles

Drinking Chai While Pregnant - Opinions?

K.F. asks from San Francisco

What do you ladies think about drinking chai tea or chai lattes while pregnant? I've given up coffee (the toughest part about pregnancy for me thus far), and I am loo...


6 Month Old Waking up SO Much.... SLEEP DEPRIVED MOMMA

S.T. asks from Denver

Hi moms. This is boy #2 for me. He is exclusively BF, and I remember similar struggles with my first, but not for this long. My baby boy is 6 months old and is still ...


How Do I Get My 5 Month Old to Sleep in His Crib?

B.P. asks from San Francisco

I have a happy five month old baby boy. He falls asleep every night as I'm nursing him and then I put him in his crib. He wakes up a few hours later and I bring him...


Extreme Migraines

A.N. asks from San Francisco

I have been suffering from migraines through adulthood. From the age of 20 -27 I would maybe get 2-3 a year. From the ages of 28-29 I would get them more like every...


What Cleaners to Buy?

T.S. asks from Los Angeles

I was told that all of my cleaning products were toxic &I needed to purchase Non-Toxic cleaners for my home, as I am 5 months pregnant. Does anyone know exactly what ...



D.A. asks from Seattle

Im 14 Weeks Pregnant.....And... Ive Had a Headache for 10 days straight and its getting in the way of my daily life. I Dont want to take tylenol everyday Ive dran...


In Search of a GOOD Decaf. Coffee

T.B. asks from Sacramento

Hi ladies, I am an avid coffee drinker. I just found out that I am pregnant, so need to cut out some caffeine. I have been trying some decaffeinated coffees, but t...


LA Weight Loss

J.D. asks from Portland

I was just wondering if anyone has tried the LA Weight Loss program. If you have, did it work, how expensive was it, and did you have to take supplements? My daughter...


PMS Relief

D.G. asks from Anchorage

Hi! A couple days a month, after I ovulate, I am super irritable. This rubs off on my kids and we are all miserable. I also am tired, but can't sleep! These may be mi...


Help! Anyone Love Thier Stroller? How Do You Pick?

D.P. asks from San Francisco

And I thought having the baby would be the hard part! I had an easier time picking my last car than a stroller! I am pregnant and overwhelmed! I want something that w...