Pets with Children: Toddler, Puppets

Results 41-50 from 143 articles

Seeking Ideas for 4 Yr Old Daughter's Birthday Party

L.L. asks from Sacramento

Hi Everyone.. My daughter is turning 4 next month and I'm planning a party, but not quite sure what to do. My daughter attends preschool part time and I was looki...


My 4 Year Old Daughter Is SCARED of EVERYTHING ALWAYS!

T.L. asks from Denver

She won't go to sleep at night because she is scared of the dark and the shadows. She won't go outside, because she is scared of flies and bugs and anything that move...


Child Afraid of the Monsters

W.M. asks from Austin

My three year old granddaughter recently started complaining she did not want to sleep in her room because of monsters. We have discussed this issue, left the lights...


My Daughter's First Christmas

N.L. asks from Chicago

This Christmas will be my daughter's first. She'll be almost 10 months old when the day arrives, and my husband and I are trying to figure out some gifts for her. ...


My Son Is Going to Have a Audio Hearing Test, Anyone Else Gone Through This?

B.K. asks from Sacramento

My son, who will turn three in July, has delayed speach. We never thought his hearing was bad becuase he hears us, and responds when we tell him or ask him something...


Son with Separation Anxiety from Mommy

L.W. asks from Minneapolis

So, awhile back, I asked about separation anxiety. My son is going to be 2 in October, and more the majority of his life, he has been a total Mommy's boy. If he kno...


3 Year Old Boy Is Afraid of Animals and Characters

K.D. asks from Wheeling

My three-year-old boy is terrified of most animals and anyone dressed up as a character. He's never been bitten, scratched, growled at, or jumped on by any animal. We...


Does a Boy Need "Boyish" Toys?

L.A. asks from New York

We were at my parents house celebrating my birthday this weekend, and an uncle remarked that while our 11 month old son has a lot of toys, none of them are "boy" toys...


Just Informed My Son Is "Hyperactive" or "High Energy"

A.Y. asks from Jamestown

I just attended my son's kindergarten parent/teacher conference. He is 5, almost 6 years old. Only a few minutes into the meeting, his teacher mentioned he was "hy...


5-Year-old Introvert Daughter, Doesn't Talk Feelings!

N.G. asks from Dallas

My beautiful 5-year-old daughter hates talking about her feelings. She has a searing temper, but other than that, she doesn't show her emotions much, or talk about t...