Patterns & Habits: Similac

Results 11-20 from 76 articles

Seeking Sleep Help--other than Cry-it-out & Pantley

C.P. asks from New York

I need help getting my 7 1/2 month old to sleep well. He falls asleep on his own for naps (30min. only) and at bedtime, but he still is up every hour or so during th...


6 Month Old Sleep Problems

S.H. asks from Dallas

Hey everyone. I have an almost 6 month old who seems to be having troubles sleeping. He has always been a great sleeper...he slept through the night at 8 weeks old....


11 Month Old Doesn't Sleep Through the Night

L.R. asks from Houston

My son will be 11 months old in 5 days. He has never slept through the night. I've tried the cry-it-out method but its very hard because alot of his waking up during ...


10 Week Old Fights Sleep!

A.M. asks from Sacramento

My daughter will be 10 wks this sat. She has silent reflux disorder but is on prevacid, and now uses soy formula. She has always had a sensitive tummy, tons of gas, b...


11 Mth Son - Cycle of Congestion/ear Infections, Has Reflux, Doesn't Sleep Well

S.V. asks from Dallas

Hi everyone, I have a 11 month old son with a combination of issues. Most recently, he has been sick on and off with congestion and ear infections, accompanied b...


Acid Reflux or Just His Personality? How Can We Get Some Sleep?!

C.S. asks from Dallas

Hi everyone, this is my first time on mamasource! I am the proud mama of a beautiful 7 week old baby boy...with bad acid reflux. He is on baby prilosec but he is s...


Need Help with 4 Month Old Who Will Not Eat More than 3 Ounces During a Feeding

A.B. asks from Los Angeles

First, some background: She has a calm cheerful temperment. Goes down for naps without a problem. We put her on Similac Sensitive formula (lactose-free) when she w...


Crying Baby at Night~ Need Advice PLEASE!!

K.H. asks from Dallas

My little one just turned a month old last week and she is the best baby, most of the time. She is now eating between 3 1/2- 4 oz of similac formula each feeding. M...


How to handle a gassy and fussy newborn while nursing

T.P. asks from Salinas

I have a 7 week old baby girl. She has been extremely gassy and fussy since she was born. She was 3 weeks early and since she wasn't breastfeeding strong, I had a har...


Colick and Tummy Troubles

T.E. asks from Greenville

Hi, I have a 9 week old son who has been to the doctor more than I have my entire life. For the first 6 weeks he screamed/cried from 6pm until he feel asleep. His st...