Nursing Pillow: Baby Bjorn

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45 answers

The Real Truth About Breast Feeding.

With my first child I didn't breast feed. I was told all these horror stories about how it hurts. You get raw, One breast can become bigger than the other and never return to its original size, Clogged milk ducts that get infected. Some people went as far as to tell me my breasts would sag afterwords. The scariest thing I was told was that my friends friends friend had her nipple bitten clean off... LoL Not sure if there's any truth behind that one though. But it sure put a bad image in my head. I'd like to know the truth behind breast...


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42 answers

Looking for Info Regarding Baby Slings

I am a 5 weeks away from having my second child. I attempted to use a front infant carrier (Baby Bjorn) for my first child, but he did not really like it and I found it awkward (I am short) and a slight strain on my back, so I was thinking of investing in a sling for this child. Can you please provide me with your likes/dislikes? Advantage/disadvantages? Preferred brands? Etc? Thanks.


Baby Gear Confusion!

Hi there, I'm a first-time expecting mom. I feel completely clueless as to...


Sleeping in Boppy??

I have my 11 week old daughter in daycare. I observed her sleeping in a...