Nursing Pillow: Alimentum

Results 51-60 from 84 articles

Colicy Baby

J.E. asks from Salt Lake City

My nephew is about 3 months and he is constantly crying. The Doc says it's colic. We have tried everything out there on the market to help him to no avail. Does an...


Reflux in 4 Month Old

J.D. asks from New York

I was wondering if anyone has had any issues with reflux in their infants. At 4 months my son weighed 9 lbs. (He was 4 lbs 9 oz at birth.) A week later he lost som...


Best Bottle for Colic

N.C. asks from Houston

New to this website...ok--My hubby and I are trying to get pregnant with our second child. My first son, now a healthy 8 year old, had major tummy issues as an infan...


3 Week Old Spitting up Formula - Is This Normal?

J.R. asks from New York

I have a 3 week old that has been drinking formula for a week now. Our pediatrician suggested doing half ready to feed and half powder for feedings but she's still s...


Excessive Spit Up

H.G. asks from Cleveland

Hello everyone! I currently take care of a 5 month old little girl who has excessive spit up. It can be hours after she has had a bottle and out it comes. We go thr...


Acid Reflux

D.B. asks from San Francisco

Any suggetsons on helping my child cope with severe acid reflux????He is on Zantac four times a day and still has issues> Thank you again



T.W. asks from Minneapolis

Good Morning! I have a question for anyone that has advise for me. I am breastfeeding my 4 mo old daughter although I have supplemented formula a couple of times n...


My 5 Weeks Old Baby Boy Is Colicky

P.S. asks from Atlanta

My newborn baby has colic, lot of gas in his tummy and he cries a lot at times due to the pain caused by the gas. His tummy feels as hard as a rock at that time. I ...


Need Help with Reflux

N.C. asks from Columbus

One of my twins was diagnosed with acid reflux when she was about a month old or so. We used the liquid Zantac for awhile and we were adding cereal to her bottles to...


Help..... 6 Week Old Wont Sleep.

S.K. asks from Buffalo

hi moms i am very sleep deprived as i write this..... my 6 week old (today) has not slept for more than a 40 min span in three days and nights. even when holding him...