Morning Naps: Child, Munchkin

Results 11-20 from 107 articles

Whats a Good Feeding Schedule?

A.A. asks from Chicago

just wanted to check in and see what ppl's day looked like esply with eating (and what foods), how much milk a day, and sleep schedules? we just got back from the ped...


Getting a Child off the Bottle?

A.P. asks from Chicago

Im having a hard time getting my two year old son off the bottle ive been trying on to get him off the bottle for a couple months now and i have tried every sippy cup...


TOO Much Milk for a 1 Year Old?

G.M. asks from San Francisco

Hello, I was wondering if it's possible for a 1 year old to have TOO much milk? We just recently had Lilia's 12 month appt., and her pediatrician not only said to...


Feeling Stressed & Overwhelmed as a Mom of a Big Family

L.C. asks from Seattle

Hi there. I am writing in great need to some support and encouragement in my role as a mom. I have been finding myself lately in a place emotionally that I have nev...


8 Month Old Teething?

M.V. asks from Richmond

My daughter is a little over 8 months old and still no teeth. For the past two days though she has been showing some of the "traditional" signs of teething- putting ...


What Age to Give up the Stroller?

D.K. asks from Pittsburgh

So, I was reading the last question about strapping your child into the stroller or supermarket cart and it seemed that people were talking about 4 and 5 year olds st...


Potty Training My 20Month Old

J.H. asks from San Francisco

Yep, I know some are thinking...20 months old? But, my daughter has been copying me by sitting on her potty chair and let's us know when she goes in her diaper everyt...



L.L. asks from Fort Myers

need help getting two year old to stop screaming crying and carrying on for the bottle- he has been refusing the cup even while thirsty and to the point of almost deh...


1 1/2 Year Old Refuses to Give up Bottle

G.W. asks from Seattle

I have a stubborn strong willed independant 1 1/2 y.o. who refuses to give up her bottle. I have pretty much gotten it down to only a bottle at nap times and bed time...


Do You Pay Your Parents or Inlaws to Watch Your Child?

T.F. asks from San Diego

My son stays with my mother in law maybe once or twice a month for 3 or 4 hours in my home. During this time my husband and I usually go to dinner or just go out for...