Medicines: Toddler, Aquaphor

Results 41-50 from 147 articles

Toddler Has Dry Skin on Legs

A.P. asks from Sacramento

Hiya, I have a 30 month old with "alligator skin" patches. Not as bad as psoriasis or eczema, but very dry. I use mustela and heavy creams on her legs (mostly th...


New Mom with a CRABBY Baby!!!

R.K. asks from Buffalo

Hi all, I am a new mommy with a very very crabby baby! I am breastfeeding and no matter what i eat or do not eat my daughter is very very gassy. This causes her to cr...


Severe Diaper Rash

M.T. asks from Nashville

My 16 month old was sick. We went to the dr and was given a medication to take at bedtime (once a day). It has given her a little diahrea. I have changed her as qui...


Rash on Face

A.M. asks from Chicago

Hi, Moms. My daughter is 11 mos and has recently developed a rash on her face that comes & goes in the area above and below the lips. She does eat a variety of fo...


Atopic Dermatitis

S.K. asks from New York

Hi , Please let me know if you can advise on how to control severe atopic dermatitis(Eczema) for my 8 year old son. He is having it all over the body from scalp to...


Anyone Have a Little-one with Eczema?

C.B. asks from San Diego

I would love to know if anyone has found anything that works well in treating eczema. My 2 year old has been dealing with pretty severe eczema since he was about 6 mo...



B.P. asks from New York

Okay how can I help Malcolm (my 29mth old son)while it's allergy season and his Eczema is driving me crazy and him to scratch til he bleeds...... HELP


Yeast/fungal Diaper Rash Treatment?

C.R. asks from Detroit

My toddler has a diaper rash that has not resolved with typical treatment (frequent diaper changes, gentle cleaning and topical ointment). It looks very much like the...


8 Week Old - Dry Skin on Face

K.S. asks from Chicago

My 8 week old daughter has extremely dry skin on her face. I know she sheds a layer of skin after birth but i think her cheeks are really irritated and has started c...


Baby Eczema Type Rash Question????

A.S. asks from Reading

iv been dealing with small rashes on my son since hes 3 months old hes now 9 months. right now theres some on his thigh behind his arms and cheeks and chin. small p...