Maternity Leave: Adult Child

Results 11-20 from 25 articles

Older, Pregnant, Unmarried Woman Who May Not Want to Be with Baby's Dad-advice?

J.S. asks from Boston

Ok this is kind of long as I want to give you the whole story and it's on behalf of my sister. She's in her early 40s, gainfully employed and owns her own home. I put...


How Much of a Difference Is There Really Between Having One and Two Children?

H.M. asks from Columbia

Hey Moms! My little girl is going to be three in about three weeks and we've started thinking about (just thinking) maybe having another one. I'm curious to hear abou...


Daycare Wants to Move My Almost 14 Month Old to "Toddlers" Room - 1 Nap a Day

A.R. asks from New York

Hi Moms, I'm interested in when you child transitioned from 2 naps to 1 nap a day, and how he/she coped if daycare situation forced a transition in nap times before ...


Question for Parents That Both Work Full Time or Single Parents..

A.H. asks from Canton

How do you find time to get the house cleanded? We both work full time and want the house to be clean but there isn't any time. When we get off, we pick the kids up, ...


How Do I Go About Getting My 25 Year Old Daughter to Share Her Life with Me?

L.B. asks from Tampa

She is a very private young lady...with ME. She gets angry if I ever offer her ANY kind of advice. She is so stuborn, and feels that she needs to do everything by her...


17, Pregnant, & Need Advice

M.O. asks from Washington DC

I already missed 2 abortion appointments so I decided....I'm going to have my baby. I got WIc, medicaid....i'm trying to get everything together before i tell my gran...


Staying Home with 5 Year Old

A.C. asks from Tulsa

Hey everyone. I am a SAHM of a 5 year old little boy who is in pre k this year. I have two step kids, but they are not with us much. I have chosen to continue to sta...


In Desperate Need of Help with 21-Year-Old Son

G.M. asks from Jonesboro

My son is 21-years-old and has never had a job. When he was in High School, I didn't pressure him to get a part-time job like most, if not all, of his friends had bec...


Is This a Lazy SAHM ?

L.O. asks from Detroit

I am a sahm.. My kids are with me all the time.. I do work 2 days a week... so the kids go to day care for those 2 days. Maybe once a month I get a sitter for my y...


11 Year Old Girl Scout Needs Help with a Poll :)

J.S. asks from Seattle

Hi, I'm a cadette girl scout and i was working on a child care badge and i was wondering if you work full time, half time, or stay at home. Who watching your kids (da...