Juices: Infant, Medela

Results 71-80 from 154 articles

Pumping Not Working

M.H. asks from Cedar Rapids

For the most part I work from home and usually only spend a few hours a week, if any away from my son. When he sleeps most the night he only nurses on one side so I p...


Increasing Milk Supply with 10 Month Old?

J.S. asks from Chicago

I breastfed exclusively for the first 6 months of my daughter's life, then started working full time (she stayed home with dad) and started supplementing with formula...


Returning to Work and Breastfeeding

S.N. asks from Chicago

I return to work at the end of the month and have a lot of anxiety about how to manage it all, work , daycare and breastfeeding. Any tips on returning to work ? Pumpi...


8Wk Old Not Taking Bottle

J.R. asks from Dallas

Hi Moms- I am in need of your suggestions on how to entice my 8wk old DD to take a bottle. My first child was opposite and never was a good nurser so would switch b...


9 Month Old Rejecting a Bottle All of a Sudden.

J.H. asks from Albany

I have a 9 month old who I breastfeed still 4 or 5 times a day. My mother-in-law takes him 1 morning a week so I can get some stuff done. All of a sudden he won't t...


Need Help Switching from Breast to Bottle

M.W. asks from Sarasota

My husband and I are going out of town for a few days and my mother is taking care of our 6 month old. We have a few weeks before we go, and I have been trying to swi...


Should I Buy a Breast Pump?

E.B. asks from Kansas City

My five month old son normally breastfeeds well but lately I have been supplementing him with formula bottles when I visit my parents. I have been over there several...


URGENT Breast Feeding SOS

M. asks from Dallas

I'm in need of some urgent advice. Yesterday morning my 8 1/2 mo old son started refusing to nurse. I didn't think much of it at first, but then lunch, dinner and ...


Dramatic Decrease in Breastmilk Supply

C.K. asks from Houston

Hi All, My son is 8.5 months old and I returned to work when he was 3.5 months old so I've been pumping while at work and giving him bottles of breastmilk for dayc...


Breastfeeding Help!!

C.C. asks from Orlando

Ok ladies I really need your help. I am pregnant with my second child and plan on breastfeeding. With the first one I didn't even attempt breastfeeding due to a big m...