Illnesses: Child, Maalox

Results 21-30 from 132 articles

Wondering If Symptoms Are Normal

S.N. asks from Harrisburg

Hi my name is S.. I have a 6 yr old boy and a second child on the way that is due in Feb. Im just curious if my sevre morning sickness is normal. Im constantly hot an...


Hand, Foot, and Mouth Virus

K.D. asks from Sacramento

My daughter was diagnosed with this flu and is having trouble eating - mainly not interested. Also, she refuses to sleep in her crib now, only wants to sleep while be...


I Have Really Bad Heartburn

D.P. asks from Chicago

Hey ladies, I am almost 16 weeks pregnant (on tuesday) and I have wicked heartburn. I know all the advice like eat smaller meals more often and avoiding...


Seeking Mom's Dealing with or Having Dealt with HFMD

D.B. asks from Dallas

Are there any Mom's who are caring for their child who has been diagnosed with hand, foot and mouth disease. My 8 year old has never been so miserable and lethargic.


Diaper Rash

K.W. asks from Dallas

my 2yr old daughter has been sick for the entire month of october with a virus and ear infections and now she has a horrible diaper rash that desitin isnt...


Is This Going Around?

R.J. asks from Tampa

I was wondering if anyone elses child is going through this? My daughter is 2 and for the past month she has been coughing, sneezing, runny nose and now an ear infect...


Diaper Rash and Table Food

J.M. asks from Minneapolis

My 10 month old has been eating table food and breast milk now for over a month and has had a persistent diaper rash ever since changing from baby food. Could there ...


Hand, Mouth & Foot Disease

J.J. asks from Dallas

ick. i picked up my son today, 2.5 yrs old, from daycare & there was a posting that another kid had hand, foot, mouth disease. i never even heard of it until today!...


Son Having Difficult Time Breathing and Stomach Pain

M.M. asks from Minneapolis

This has been going on now for the last 4-5 month. I've had him in to see his peditrician twice and ER twice. They have all xrays to check for pnoenomia and also a...


15 Month Old with Cold Sores

C.W. asks from Redding

My daughter has had 102 temp since Fri and been absolutly I finally got into the doc today and they told me she had "her first outbreak of cold sores....