Hand, Foot & Mouth: Toddler, Aquaphor

Results 31-40 from 91 articles

Rash on Face

V.J. asks from Portland

My 20 month old has always had sensitive skin, and a few patches of Eczema here and there. About a month ago she developed a small rash on her cheek, near the corner...


Unusual Skin Condition on Children's Fingers

L.G. asks from Los Angeles

Hi Moms, I am wondering if this will sound familiar to anyone and what you may advise. My daughter (5 yrs) and my son (2 yrs) have developed something on their fi...


Rash on Bum, What Do You Think...

T.C. asks from Dallas

Alright, doctor's office is closed so thought I'd check here. My daughter (almost 2 and a half) has a rash on her little bum. She's had it for more then a week now....


Diaper Rash

T.Q. asks from Albany

Hi Everyone, I just had some questions about diaper rash. My 8 month old son developed a horrible diaper rash about a week ago. Up until that point, he had never h...


Bad Latch

S.H. asks from Dallas

I was told by my pedi to have my daughter use a pacifier after she had a breathing incident at around two weeks old. Well now she won't latch correctly & things are g...



B.S. asks from Sioux City

Hello, My 2 year old son has eczema- BAD! It is all over his body, even the top of his head, and he is constantly itching-to the point he is bleeding. We have been t...


2 Yr Old's Finger "Injury"

K.C. asks from San Francisco

Hi Mamas ~ Hubby & I noticed a strange thing with our daughter's fingertips - some appear to have been burned ! Her thumbs, first finger, and middle finger on BOTH ha...


6 Yr Old Has Itchy "Pimples" on Buttocks & Inner Thighs

D.P. asks from Pittsburgh

Hi, moms! I'm hoping someone can shed a little light on this. Yesterday, my son was kind of picking at & itching his little bum. In the tub, I noticced a samll pim...


Skin Peeling???

D.M. asks from Chicago

Hi, My daughter's hands and toes have started to peel, I don't think there is any particular reason for it, we called the doctor they just said to put a moisture loti...


Little Red Bumps

C.T. asks from Gainesville

HI .. My two yr old has sprouted little red bumps .. but no other sign of infection any ideas.. just wondering .. he is showing no interest in them what so ever so I ...