Gyms: Enfamil

Results 1-10 from 12 articles

Milk Allergy in Toddler

S.B. asks from Boston

Hi! My 21 month old son was diagnosed with milk protein allergy when he was an infant. Eliminating dairy from his diet (and mine - I breastfed until he was 16 months ...


The Mom of a 4 Month Old Screamer My Sister Wrote About

A.S. asks from Sacramento

I am a mom of a 4 month old screamer as my sister stated. He wants to be held constantly and when I put him in his swing, bouncer, or baby gym he screams most of the ...


What to Add/leave off Baby Registry?

S.J. asks from Wausau

Hi - I am wondering what items other Moms have put on their Baby Registry, and what items you would leave off? Obviously, leave off clothes, but is there anything you...


Infant Diagnosed with Reflux

L. asks from Chicago

Hi Moms! I have a newborn daughter who was diagnosed with reflux. She is 4 weeks old and was 5 weeks premature. I am looking for advice on good websites or groups ...


Seeking Advice to Help 2Mo Old Baby with Colic

L.H. asks from Kansas City

My daughter became colicy around Christmas. Her biggest thing is lack of sleep. She sleeps till about noon and then capnaps (5-20 mins only) until about midnight. I'v...


My 2 Month Old Won't Take a Bottle Anymore

G.L. asks from Dallas

I had a little girl on the 30th of May and have been breastfeeding her since then. I am a school teacher so have had the summer off and have been breastfeeding on dem...


First Baby room...What Do I Need?

A.M. asks from Tampa

I am pregnant and will soon need to get my baby's room together. What things do I need? What things will make my life easier? I guess this doesn't just involve th...


Does Anyone Use Flax-seed Oil to Supplement Their Diet?

M.R. asks from Springfield

I am trying to find out some more information on flax-seed oil and how it can help with mood problems, depression etc,. I was wondering if anyone has personally used ...


Must Have Baby Products

M.W. asks from Los Angeles

I am a first time Mom going through books and lists of must have baby items. Any advice of what you really should have and what you don't need so urgently for the fir...


Colic Advice

J.M. asks from Reno

My beautiful baby boy has colic and I seem to be friends with women who's babies don't cry (yeah right). Basically I am just looking for a kindred spirit that I can c...