Girls' Night Out: Infant, Huggies

Results 31-40 from 511 articles

Wetting Through Diapers During the Night

J.B. asks from Boston

My son is 16 months old and I have yet to fine the right nighttime diaper. Currently he is wearing a Huggies Overnight Diaper and a Pull up. When he wakes up in the...


Registering for Baby Help!!

B.F. asks from Baton Rouge

Hello everyone! I am very new to the boards and am seeking out your help. I am currently pregnant with my first baby and my husband and I just found out we are havin...


Baby Gear Questions

H.R. asks from Boca Raton

Hi beautiful mommies and soon to be mommies! We still have some "big" baby gear to purchase after our showers, namely car seat and stroller. We both have relatively...


1 Year Old Soaking Through Diaper at Night

K.K. asks from Detroit

My 1 year old has been soaking through his diaper at night for the last couple weeks...ever since I stopped nursing him at night and switched to a bottle. His night ...


Potty Training with New Baby Coming

A.J. asks from Raleigh

Our due date is going to fall pretty much on our daughter's 2 year b-day. We also will be moving half way across the country in the midst of all this. The thought o...


Best Diapers for Baby Boy

H.B. asks from Gainesville

I have a healthy baby boy (9 months old) who wets my bed almost any night he sleeps with me.(Being the nights that I am too lazy to carry him to his own room.) Becaus...


Night Time Diaper for Sensative Skin

M.W. asks from Seattle

my 17 month old daughter has pretty sensitive skin. she has prescription lotion that we use at least twice daily and also use hydrocortisone when needed. anyway, sh...


Looking for Unique Baby Shower Gift Ideas

E.S. asks from Mansfield

I am looking for a few unique baby shower gift ideas. The shower is in a couple of weeks. It's their first baby and they don't know the baby's sex. I just don't wa...


Question Regarding Preemie Baby Care

P.P. asks from Chicago

Dear friends, I posted a few weeks ago about my sister n law having to deliver her baby at 35 weeks. Due to a rare complication from pre-eclampsia, my sister n law p...


Help with Leaky Diapers and Sleeping Thru the Night!!!!!!

L.B. asks from Kansas City

Hello mamas~ I need some advice. This is really two questions in one here so.....first of all- my 6 month old is now is a size 2-3 diaper made by Pampers. I love t...