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Results 1-10 from 15 articles

How Did You Stay Sane with Multiple Kids and No Family to Help You?....

G.M. asks from Phoenix

I just had a baby, he's a month old now, and I have a four year old too. I know it's normal to feel overwhelmed, and my husband is great with trying to give me as muc...


Need Suggestions for a Good Baby Carrier/sling

S.S. asks from Dallas

Need some advice on a baby carrier/sling that comes recommended by other moms. I have an infant I am watching right now. I would like to go up to the school more to...


Advice on What I Really Need!

M.K. asks from Syracuse

I'm expecting my first baby in December...just looking for some advice/recommendations on what I will definitely need right away in terms of supplies/gear. Also- wou...


Somebody Have Experience with Ergo Baby / Baby Carrier

C.I. asks from San Francisco

I just bought babay carrier from ergo. When I used it, I concern about her leg because it's open widely. I'm worried that will hurt her. The first time when I used it...


3 Month Old Baby Who Was Never Fussy Then the past Couple Weeks Is Starting

M.F. asks from Miami

I am a first time mom and a little paranoid about everything. They say you will know when something isn't right, but I feel that way about every little thing. When I ...


What Does One Need for a New Baby Born Close to His Sibling?

S.Y. asks from Pittsburgh

Okay, this may sound bizarre, but I have no idea what I should register for, considering I already had a baby shower not too long ago. My dd will be 2 years old when ...


13 Month Old Needs Constant Attention

B.S. asks from Tampa

Hi moms. My daughter recently started this thing where she wants my attention constantly. If I put her down she cries. If I walk into another room she follows me and ...


Cranky 9 Month Old--only in the Afternoon

S.A. asks from Sacramento

My almost 9 month old has always been a happy baby--except for the time between his afternoon nap and bedtime, roughly about 4 hours. I know this is a common fussy ti...


Conidering Buying a Baby Back Carrier and Not Sure What to Get

J.K. asks from Topeka

I have a wonderful, loving 11 month old little boy that is well over 26 pounds. He is cruising, but not yet walking. He's getting a lot of floor time and does a great...


Best Baby Carrier

S.C. asks from Los Angeles

So I am having my second child with in the month and i need a good baby carrier to keep the infant on me while I chase after my toddler! :) I tried out some of my fri...