Best Baby Carrier - Irvine,CA

Updated on May 03, 2009
S.C. asks from Irvine, CA
50 answers

So I am having my second child with in the month and i need a good baby carrier to keep the infant on me while I chase after my toddler! :) I tried out some of my frieds carriers with my daughter and they were hard to get on...but i have never tried the bjorn?
There is a lot of stuff we NEED to get SOOOOO is the Bjorn really better than the other brands. What is the easiest one to put on by yourself with no help? I can be challenged that way.

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answers from San Diego on

I had the Snugli, came in under $30 and used it through 2 children before handing it on. I didn't try a lot of other brands, but this one was definitely worth the price. And I could put it on myself! Later on we switched to a very lightweight and inexpensive back-pack - again, I could put it on and take off myself (with baby seated).

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answers from Los Angeles on

I have the Bjorn and it is great. Easy to put on and especially good for when they are smaller. I also have the Ergo carrier which was nice after my son reached about 12-15 lbs. that was just too much weight for me to have in the front. With the Ergo you can wear them on the front back or side. It's easy and has a lot more support than the bjorn does.



answers from Los Angeles on

I don't know what is out there now, but the Bjorn was the best for me. Once she was old enough to face her forward she loved making friends with the world. I would use it to vacuum in, put on my makeup, etc. It saved my life!

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answers from Las Vegas on


I hated the Baby Bjorn. It hurt my shoulders, back and neck. I have an Ultimate Baby Wrap that I loved when my babies were tiny. For an older baby, I love the Ergo carrier.

Good luck,

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Los Angeles on

I have a 9 week old and 15-month old, and I recommend the Ergo. The Baby Bjorn is very hard on your back (especially if you have a big baby like our son was--my husband ended up straining his back badly and that's when we got the Ergo). The Ergo puts all of the weight on your hips, so it's much easier to deal with. Plus with Ergo you can carry your older child in it as well, and you have the options of carrying in front, on side/hips, or on your back. It's great!



answers from Honolulu on

After trying a sling and a Snugli, I settled on the mei tai style wrap and loved it! Admittedly, it can be a little confusing at first to put on, but once I got the hang of it, it was quick and easy and so comfortable! It really reduces any kind of back strain and they are very versatile so you can carry your baby (or even your toddler) in several different positions. My son would fall immediately asleep too, so I could get things done or shop in peace, etc. You can check them out at or Good luck!



answers from San Diego on

I've tried almost all the carriers out there and the best one I've found is the Baby K'tan carrier. It combines the best of all the carriers out there-- the softness and flexibility of the Maya Wrap without the yards and yards of fabric, and the convenience of the Bjorn without the stiffness, buckles and steep price. I found this carrier right before my daughter turned one, but I wish I had it since she was born. You can use it 8 different positions and for up to 42 pounds! It supports the child's weight by being a double sling carrier (it can sit on both your shoulders if you like). You can check it out at If you're in the San Diego/Poway area, Palomar Pomerado Hospital's Boutique sells it for $59. I can't stress how much this carrier has helped my back!! Good luck



answers from San Diego on

I agree - the Bjorn is difficult to use & not good on the back at all. Recently bought the ErgoBaby & absolutely love it. SUPER easy to put on too. ErgoBaby has a 90 days money back guarantee so I would try that. Have friends who use the Moby - lots of fabric but once you get the hang of it it gets easier to wrap.
Here's the website - free shipping.



answers from Honolulu on

hi S.,

in my experience a soft carrier is best. my daughter hated the bjorn because it was too hard. i've since got a beco carrier and wish i had known about it earlier. it's great - you can wear it on the front or back. i've also heard good things about the ergo carrier. i've seen the ergo in some stores but as far as i know the beco has to be ordered online. a carrier or sling was by far the most important baby item i had!

all the best,




answers from Los Angeles on

Hi S.,

I used a sling...the

It is complelety adjustable and can support the weight of a toddler up to about 30 lbs. I was able to wear my baby facing me, facing forward, on my hip and even nurse him inside it very discreetly. It costs around $40.00.




answers from San Luis Obispo on

The Bjorn and other carriers like it are the WORST, both for comfort and for your and yor babies bodies. These styles of carriers put all the weight on your back and shoulders, which is hard on you. For this reason they onl work well when the baby is SMALL... most people can only use them for a few short months before they are too uncomofrtable. Also, these types of carriers actually hang your baby by the groin area.... not too good on the babies body either.

My all time favorite carrier in the terms of flexability, ease of use and length of use is the Ergo. It is a bit tricky to use at first, but they come with a great DVD to help you familiarize yourself with it. It has 4 different carry possitions (infant sling, front hold, side hold and back), washes and dries in the washer and dryer, folds up easy to stuff in the diaper bag or under the car seat, and lasts soooooo long. I seriously still carry my daughter, who will be 6 soon, in it on a regular basis! I have found that it's versatility great... and even my teenagers wear it without complaint to carry their sisiter in :) I know it's a big investment, but when you look at how long you can use it for that value is great!

My other life saver with newborns has always been a ring sling. Before, with my older children, I always used a ring sling and loved it. Cooking, cleaning, shopping without a stroller or just for bonding. These are great.

Congratulations and besto f luck!



answers from Los Angeles on

Congratulations! I have a natural mothering store in Fullerton, Belly Sprout and the carriers we sell most for newborns is the Moby wrap. It is the most comfortable for both mama and baby and can be worn for hours while baby sleeps. I LOVED it with my second son. There is a learning curve for this carrier, so get it now to practice. It can take anywhere from one day to over a week to perfect it, but once you do you will LOVE it also.

Do not waste your money on an Bjorn. They are dangerous for the developing spine of the baby and so uncomfortable for the wearer, since the weight is carried in the upper part of the body. 15 minutes and you will want that thing off. We sell the ERGO carrier which is the MOST comfortable and safest structured carrier on the market. We were one of the first in O.C> to carry it and it is excellent. I can still carry my 3 year old in it and can't feel his weight. It's like magic.

I have an article on babywearing on my website, If you come to the store, we give you all of the instruction you need for wearing your baby!

Good luck,
C. Funk



answers from Los Angeles on

YES!!! The Baby Bjorn is the best carrier you'll ever invest in! I used it for 2 of my 3 children. I recently just gifted mine away...
It's very easy to put on, even for dad, and washes well. The baby is very snug & secure in it. I chased toddlers around in it with ease!



answers from San Diego on

I had the Bjorn with my first son, but since I am short, I didn't like it once he was able to hold his head up and face forward. With my daughter, I got the Moby Wrap and I love it. It can be a little intimidating at first, but once you get the hang of it, it is very quick and easy to use. I still use it with her now and she is 20 lbs. You can find them at the Right Start or on line



answers from Los Angeles on

You have a lot of advice already, but let me put in my love for the Maya Wrap sling. It took a few tries to get the hang of it, but I was able to use it with my little and then not so little guy for close to two years. We started when he was only three weeks old, and went from there. He has an older sister, so it was nice to be able to quickly put him in and chase her around. It did have the added benefit of being a great nursing shield as well. (I even was able to walk and nurse at the same time once or twice when older sister needed supervision!) I did try the Bjorn with older sister and hated it, I could never get it to fit me quite right, even when she was a light peanut. Congratulations and Good luck!



answers from San Diego on

We used the bjorn and it worked well, but what I ended up loving was the Moby wrap (similar to the mai tai carrier.) As someone else said, it takes a little while to get used to putting it on, but after you get it, it is easy, super comfy and secure. My son and I both loved it! My husband even wore it sometimes (though most of the time, he was the bjorn user).



answers from Honolulu on

Hi S.,
I liked the baby bjorn when my baby was an infant, new born to 5 or six months, then I switched to the baby erg when she got bigger beyond 6 months and she is a year now.
the baby erg has an infant insert but i did not try it so i cant tell you if it works well or not. but i really like the baby erg. the only thing is that your baby has to face you when they get out of the newborn (infant insert) stage. you can also use it on your front or back(when the baby gets older like 2 years or more)



answers from Los Angeles on

Hi there...from personal experience, I love the Lascal M1 carrier. I am still using it an my son is almost 14 months old and 24lbs. I'm doing a 5K walk next week and carrying him in it. It's made of bamboo and breathes, so it is comfy for both of us. It's also very easy to clean/wash. I've tried the slings, which I REALLY wanted to use, but BOTH my son and I hated them.

Although I haven't used it, I have friends that love the ERGO carrier (they swapped out their bjorn for this one after baby 3).

Congratulations & good luck!



answers from Los Angeles on

I don't LOVE the Bjorn, but it is a good carrier for an infant. Once a baby hits about 15 pounds they seem to be too heavy. Anyway, my advice is to check Craigslist or a Children's Orchard and buy used. You can get them for under $20 and it's worth the savings!



answers from Santa Barbara on

One thing to consider about the Baby Bjorn is that dads don't seem to mind using it too (some will wear slings but some would never...I'm sure you know which category yours falls into!) It's also very secure, lasts forever, and has the versatility of allowing the baby to face toward you or away. However, they aren't snuggling right up next to you like with a sling. If you don't want to pay full price, check sites like (a kids gear swapping site), freecycle, or even eBay. I think all carriers, even the Bjorn, take some getting used to as far as getting on and off, but you get used to it.



answers from Los Angeles on

I loved the Bjorn with my son, but note that I couldn't use it right away because he was too small. I don't remember exactly when he was big enough, maybe 2 months? I am expecting soon also, and plan to use a sling (I will try my HotSling) until he is big enough, so I can also chase after my toddler!



answers from San Diego on

Try a sling instead of a carrier. Doc recommended not using a carrier because of the way it flattens out the babies pelvis/leg area. In a sling, the baby is in a more natural position and I found that my baby slept better in the sling. I have the Bjorn (the silver gray one) My daughter is now 2 and I use it with her occasionally. She doesn't mind being in it because now the sling rests under her tushie and she is on my hip. Helps my back. Hope this helps.



answers from Reno on

Hi S.
I had the baby Bjorn with my son and it was very difficult to put on. It was a 2 person job with so many straps to adjust, I would not recommend it. Also and maybe this is just me but when my milk came in so my bust was huge it felt as though he was so far away from me which I am sure is no good for your back.
I am pregnant with a very busy baby girl due in May so this time I was thinking about trying the fabric slings, they seem to only have one loop to adjust.
Also this time around I am going to be using the Guardian Sleeper at night and naptime so I can get enough sleep to cope with 2 little monkeys. I hear nothing but great reviews about the product. check out I think this will help you also.
Good luck with the carrier I would love to hear what you end up with.
Take care
Austin's mom



answers from Las Vegas on

I must say the baby Bjorn is by far the best carrier out there! I had the Snugglie with my first daughter and it was very hard to put on and she hated it.....I finally decided to spend the $100 and buy the was the best purchase I've ever made! I'm using it now with my 3 month old and he absolutely loves it! I, too, have a 2 1/2 year old and the Bjorn definitely comes in handy! It's also very easy to put on/off and I can do it one handed now!
Good Luck!



answers from Los Angeles on

I personally hated the Bjorn -- it killed my back and forced my little one's legs out to an unnatural angle while settling all their weight on their tiny hip joints. I wouldn't waste my money on a Bjorn!

I love Moby Wraps (! They are cheaper, cuter, machine washable, and much more versatile for the number of positions your baby can be in. It is perfect for newborn (even premies) all they way to about 30 lbs no matter how chunky their little thighs get. Plus, it is sooo comfy!

I did find it felt like a lot of fabric in the beginning. For me, it was easiest to get someone who wore their baby in one to teach me how to use it. Moby wraps are usually sold by individuals who have loved wearing their babies in them and will gladly meet you to help you get used to tying it on and show you how to wear your baby various ways.



answers from San Diego on

YES! The others feel like the baby is falling out and don't go up high enough, especially for a new sleeping baby. If you don't want to spend the money try the Baby Resale stores or Craigslist, maybe even e-bay.

edit(okay I am coming back after reading some other responses)
I thought you were only comparing the carriers, I see other people recommended the sling. Totally different! Also, the Bjorn has one with extra back support, perhaps those who said it killed their backs didn't buy that one, I think it was $10 more. I am only 5'2" with a bad back and neck and was fine.



answers from Los Angeles on

Hi S.,

For my daughter we used the Infantino sling. It's a soft cloth sling that is easy to get into and out of, leaves your hands free, and supports your baby in a position similiar to the womb. My Chloe loved it for the first 6 months (then she got too long) and some days would only sleep in the sling. I would clean house, get the mail, or just take walks this way. The sling is adjustable and your shoulders and back take all the weight. We had a Bjorn carrier also for my husband but found that in the beginning it was easier and more comfortable to use a sling. Also because the baby is right there you don't have to take the baby out to nurse, just shift him a bit. Good luck and enjoy your sweet little ones!



answers from San Diego on

Some people will tell you no but I say YES. With my first I tried two of the cheeper ones on the market but found that niether one was very comfortable. With my son it was very difficult to keep him in one as he is an upper end of the % scale kid and funds were not so good. With my youngest I was at a store and they had the Bjorn's on sale so I went ahead and tried one on with her and it was great. I bought the one with the back support panel. It was not the most expensive but it was not least exspensive. A mom in the store said to try one of those Native wraps and it was just to time consuming and difficult with more that one little for me to handle. I do also have a sling that I put her in some times. It just depends on where we are going and how long she will be on me. As well as what will be the best restrant so I can help with the order ones while still keeping her safe. If it is just her or a short trip I go with the sling. Other wise it is the Bjorn all the way. I would go in to a store and check them out and see what you like. Take care, good luck with both of your little ones, and God bless.



answers from Los Angeles on

Check out The owner makes wonderful slings for a great price. They are amazing and will be made to your size. You can get one pretty fast too. I use her for a lot of shower gifts and such. I love them! Good luck!



answers from Los Angeles on

S. I bought the mya sling a little hard to use but still liked it when the baby was very small but I loved the bjorn. Get one used so you don't invest too much on them or barrow from a few freinds.



answers from Los Angeles on

We have a bjorn. I don't know if it is the best, but my husband was still wearing it with my 18mo when he was a little over 20lbs. My son is almost 2 so he isn't in it anymore, but it was great for keeping him from running all over the stadium when we went to sporting events.



answers from Los Angeles on

We used the Snugli and we got it at Target. It is the same concept as the Bjorn but we didn't have the finding for top of the line. As my husband said "it was the best $20 we ever spent"! It was a really great carrier and when we were done with it I sent it over to my girlfriend who just had a baby not too long ago. I didn't know what she already had 3 that she had gotten as gifts but I gave it to her anyway and she loves that one! She doesn't even use the other ones that she got.




answers from Los Angeles on

I had the same concerns when I was pregnant with my now 11-month old son. I tried several carriers including the Baby Bjorn (really like it but it can be time consuming trying to get it on and off), the Baby Pouch (loved it when he was little but it was stolen by the time he was 5 months old), and even the HotSling (very economical from Target no less). The best advice I got was to go to the Pump Station's baby carrier demonstration class (website: and try on several baby carriers before you buy one. It'll be well worth the time in money you save from carriers you end up hating.

Good luck,

B. D.



answers from Los Angeles on

Moby. The best baby carrier high and low is the Moby ( Yes, it looks intimidating to put on and I was VERY sceptical at first. I watched the demo video twice, practiced a few times, and that made it really, really easy.
The Bjorn is okay, but when your baby gets older and heavier, the Moby can't be beat. I can carry my nearly-18-pound boy in it without getting a backache, which is more than I can say of the Bjorn!



answers from San Diego on

I loved my bjorn. It was reccommended to me by numerous other friends and they all loved it. I had 3 other slings/wraps and none of them worked for me... The ultimate baby wrap looked so cool and easy - but for me I could never figure it out - it was definitely not easy to put on. Anything that comes with a DVD could not possibly be easy. I had similar problems with the other 2 I purchased. The Bjorn is pretty easy to put on once you do it a few times. Good luck!



answers from San Luis Obispo on

I like the Ergo baby carrier, much better than all of the other carriers. It is sooo easy to put on, it grows with baby, you can nurse with it on, and it is supposed to provide better support for your baby. -if you do go for this one, make sure to get the newborn insert. Congratulations!



answers from San Diego on

YES! The Bjorn is the best one out there and I think they just keep getting better and better!
Good luck! and Congratulations!



answers from San Diego on

My Dh and I hated our Baby Bjorn with our son. When he hit about 10 lbs., we would constantly get back aches from wearing him for more than 10 minutes.

Then we got the Maya Pouch. Loved it! I was able to carry my son around the mall for 2 hours at a time with no back pain. But my son grew out of it at about 8 months.

With my daughter I got the Maya Wrap with padding on the shoulder. I used that from the time she was about 3 weeks old to about 1 year old. It was easy to use, once I spent a few minutes figuring it out and how it fit best on me, and I had no back ache. I would carry her around in it for an hour or two while chasing down my 2 yo son at the mall.

You can check it out at And if you are handy at sewing, you can google the pattern and download it for free and make your own.



answers from Los Angeles on

I tried bjorn and several other carriers and my favorite was a RING SLING given as a hand me down. So easy to use! So comfortable for baby and mom or dad!Mine is from WWW.ZOLOWEAR.COM but you can even make one yourself if you sew. There are several places to get a dependable pattern, I got mine from Parksbird Patterns.



answers from Los Angeles on

I don't like the bjorn after your baby gets over 10 pounds. It puts all the weight on your back. I used a bjorn and a ring sling with my second son when he was really little. I think the ring sling was the easiest to put on by myself. A pocket sling would probably be even easier. My son slept really well in the sling.

Once my son got a little bigger I started using our ergo. That is a much better carrier than the bjorn it puts the weight on your hips like a hiking backpack.

My bjorn was a hand me down, the sling I had made by Jan Andrea for about 30 bucks, and the ergo I found for half price at a consignment shop. The carrier easily goes through the washing machine. Good luck!



answers from Los Angeles on

No, the Bjorn is the WORST carrier with no back support. In the beginning the best thing is a soft sling or pouch. Then the Ergo is my favorite. All carriers need a little practice to get the hang of, then you become a pro! Congrats on your impending arrival!



answers from Honolulu on

I've tried so many baby carriers. The bjorn really was hard on my neck & shoulders as the babies got older, even though it's the carrier my husband prefers. The best one is the Ergo Baby You can do anything with it on w/ baby in toe, and it's easy to put on & comfortable. It's a MUST! Congrats!



answers from Los Angeles on

i bought the bjorn, then sold it on ebay after i fell in love with the ergo!!



answers from Bakersfield on

I have the Bjorn Baby Carrier Active. Once you set it to your body, it is fairly easy. 1. Slip your arms through. 2. Snap the bottom 3. Insert baby (great head support for newborns- (facing you) or fold down "bib" for older babies who want to see the world). 4. Insert the top pin.

I haven't used it a while, but that's basically the jist of it. My husband is 5'10" and a big muscley guy, so when he uses it, he has to loosen the straps, but then it's just a matter of retightening them once I put it back on. (Once you set the main "holder" for baby at the propper height for your baby's size, you only need to adjust that part once or twice as baby grows.) The best thing about it, in my opinion is the full back support and the padding on the strapps. All others I have seen have only straps and very thin ones at that. This one is Very comfy once you adjust it for you.

My baby was 10 days old when I got it. She's always loved it. I used it while cooking, doing housework, or just out walking. I really wanted to get the "Synergy", which from what I could tell is exactly the same as the "Active" but in a lighterweight, breatheable fabric. It wasn't yet in the American market when I bought mine. That was over 15 months ago, so it may be available now. I'm sure it also costs more than the "Active" which was one of the most expensive ones, but I found it to be oh so worth the $120 (??) I paid for it. My baby is now 16 months and so we don't use it as often, but I found out I'm pregnant again so the new baby will definitely be using it. I've even washed it a few times and it still looks great! (It's black so it does seem a bit duller.)

Anyway good luck to you in finding what makes the most sense to you.



answers from Las Vegas on

I have an awesome sling. I used one with my 4 th child and plan on using it again with my 5th due in 4 weeks. They are made especially for you with fabric you choose or she can get it for you if you let her know what you are looking for. Completely washable too. Her name is Kate Wilson-her email is phone #is ###-###-####. Let her know you were referred by D. Y.. If she has some made, she will usually send picts via email to you to choose.I think she charges $35. I totally got my money's worth! Chasing after other children from 7yrs-17 months. I used my sling for almost 1 year with my 4th.
Good luck.



answers from Los Angeles on

i saw a lot of recommendations for the ergo, which i love for my 6 month old, but it was not great when she was a newborn (the infant insert is a headache). I loked the moby then. it seems complicated, but you get the hang of it quickly. my best advice is to go to the pump station (hollywood or santa monica) and attend one of their sling clinics. you can see and try a bunch of different carriers, and make your choice. check out good luck!



answers from Los Angeles on

I learned how to use slings by going to my local La Leche League meetings. Otherwise I could not figure them out on my own. Once I did, they were a LIFESAVER!

I like slings and I'll keep them, but if I have a third, I'm buying an ERGO! A lot of my friends have them and it's so cool to wear your baby on your BACK and they are out of the way and safe and cozy.

I hated the Bjorn. My first born was a butter ball and he outgrew this $90 thing fast. The Ergo costs as much, but you can use it a lot longer.



answers from Los Angeles on

The baby Bjourn rocks. I also got the Ergo, it's just a bit harder when putting them on your back instead. The difference is that the bjourn pulls the weight on your shoulders (no big deal until they are around 15 pounds), the Ergo pulls weight from your hips, so it's better when they are older!!! I love them both!!!



answers from Los Angeles on

No, the Baby Bjorn isn't better. For the newborn stage, birth to 8 weeks or so, I like a pouch or sling. From then on, I wore my baby/toddler in my Ergo everyday! Love the Ergo. You can wear an infant in it, but it is a little tricky - but possible and their website has videos to show you how.




answers from San Diego on

Don't waste your time buying those carrier that has buckles and rings! I had all of them and none seemed to work. When the buckle presses against my skin it actually hurts and can't stand the "bulkiness". I eventually had a ring sling I bought from maya and the ring does the same thing. Weight of the baby is not evenly distributed on my back and it hurt my back before I finish my laundry. I finally made my own and shared it to my friends. They all loved it. Get the pattern for it from my website and save you 130 bucks.

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