Events: Infant, Puppets

Results 41-50 from 52 articles

Toddler (2.5 Years Old) Having Night Terrors...

F.M. asks from San Diego

I'm writing on behalf of my sister, who lives in Alaska and is still on dial-up internet (no broadband access way out there) and asked me to post for her. She is hav...


Keeping a One Year Old Quiet in Church

S.C. asks from New York

Hi Moms, I have a 16 month old son who started attending Church with me when he was about one month old. He was usually well behaved.... but now he knows how to wa...


Family Bed Transition to Own Bed in Own Room

C.C. asks from Rochester

Hello, I am writing to get some advice on how to transition my 17mth old from our bed to her own without causing too much stress on her. The reason for the switch is ...


Summer Schedules: How to Enjoy Each Other While Getting Things Done

A.S. asks from Dallas

School is out, and the stress of getting homework done, and really everything done in that short time span (4pm-bedtime) is now put aside. I have 4 children (ages 9...


Looking for 2 Year Old Birthday Party Ideas

M.R. asks from Los Angeles

I am looking for ideas for my sons 2nd year old birthday. Iam doing it at my house but would like to have many activitys and different things. Am getting a jumper, b...


What Are You Doing with Your Kids This summer.....ideas Needed !!!!

D.C. asks from Dallas

I'm in desperate need of activities to do with my 9 and 3 year old. I've planned movie theater visits (Toy Story 3, Marmaduke, Shrek) and a visit to the Zoo. We...


5 Year Old Needs Glasses!

S.S. asks from Houston

Hi - Ok - our 5 year old (in Pre K)- told us at Monster Jam "he needed glasses but did not want them- they are ugly"- he had some trouble coloring in lines etc.- so...


Advice for a Long Car Trip with 2 Kids

A.V. asks from Duluth

I am looking for any advice or suggestions for taking a long car trip with a 2 year old and almost 4 year old. My husband and I are planning a trip for a family reuni...


Seeking Input on Touchy Situation

D.H. asks from Philadelphia

We have neighbors around us, we all have young kids. I don't see much interaction going on between some of them, yet at some times I see some over at others' houses, ...


Too Much TV

L.C. asks from Norfolk

This is going to sound bad, and that's because I know it is. But my 3 year old daughter watches entirely too much TV. Between 8-12 hours a day. I know that sounds hor...