Epi: Older Child

Results 21-30 from 137 articles

Allergy Shots - Side Effects?

T.L. asks from Dallas

Hello Mamas~ I wanted to find out your experience with Allergy shots. My 8 year old daughter has been taking 5 different medications(Foradil, Flovent, Zyrtec, Veram...


Sublingual Immunotherapy

P.M. asks from Chicago

Our 7 year old daughter has allergies (mild, not severe) to cats, dogs, horses, hamsters, ragweed, mold and grass. Have you tried sublingual immunotherapy for yourse...


Latex Allergies

M.C. asks from Pocatello

My 7 year old son had an allergic reaction at the dentist the other day. We are assuming it was to the latex in the gloves. My question is what other products shoul...


Possible Peanut or Egg Allergy?

C.M. asks from Washington DC

Good morning! So, since moving here to VA in January (11 months ago) my 6 year old daughter has developed some allergies. The first one that she had a reaction to was...


Allergist Referral

C.S. asks from Chicago

Hi moms: I was wondering if anyone could recommend an allergist in the South Suburbs. My 8-year-old daughter, Kara, had an allergic reaction to something she ate la...


FRUSTRATED Mom--(update) Another Mom on Mamapedia Pushed Me to the Limit

D.D. asks from Phoenix

Several weeks ago I was frustrated over something so little that happened at school with our 7 year old son. I think I was upset because he is constantly in trouble....


Nut Allergy

L.M. asks from San Luis Obispo

My 27 month old son was diagnosed with an allergy to all nuts last week. I would love any advice, suggestions, and resources from anyone who has experienced this (pa...


Son Allergic to Fire Ants

M.S. asks from Dallas

This past Thursday night my son was bit by one fire ant and immidiately had a severe allergic reaction. After about a minute of him screaming histarically he started...


Allergy Shots-need Info

C.T. asks from Dallas

My 7 year old son has suffered with seasonal allergies most of his life. He, also, has allergy induced asthma. After countless medicines(Singulair, Flovent, Veramyst,...


Cashew Allergy

A.C. asks from Houston

Any moms out there experienced with cashew allergies? I've read some stuff that indicates a cashew allergy can be linked to a more severe reaction to poison ivy. I su...