Eating Solid Foods & Weaning: Infant, Playtex

Results 11-20 from 553 articles

Trouble Weaning

A.R. asks from Dallas

I have a 8 month old son that I am having trouble weaning. I am breast feeding and have been home with him every day since he was born. I tried to pump early on, bu...


NO Weaning! - Help!

D.F. asks from San Francisco

My daughter took a breast or bottle whenever until we decided it was time to start weaning at 7 months. Now she refuses the bottle all-together and will only breast...


Weaning from Bottle

S.E. asks from Philadelphia

Hello Ladies, How old was your child when you started to wean him/her from the bottle? I have been told by my pediatrician to stop giving my almost 15-month old son...



L.B. asks from Lakeland

I know I am not the first mom to experience that my son will not take a bottle.. Now that I have tried to wean I am nervous that he will be nursing till he is 30... T...


Wean 14 Mo Old Son from Breastfeeding

M.M. asks from Pittsburgh

Hi Everyone, I wanted to ask you for your input with regard to weaning my son. I am a stay at home mom. I have been breastfeeding my son since he was born. I want ...


How to Wean My 5 Month Old Son?

J.K. asks from Raleigh

He will not take a bottle or sippy cup with formula or my breastmilk from anyone. I am going back to work soon and I need ideas. With my daughter she was taking pumpe...


Infant Reflux

S.W. asks from Austin

My four month old son spits up all the time, i've taken him to the dr's office, even specialist can't tell me nothing.......arggggg.....someone please tell me whatels...


Infant with Reflux

C.S. asks from Wichita Falls

I have a almost 5 month old baby boy with reflux. He was born 13 weeks early. The doctor has him on previcid and it has not seemed to work. We have him on the Similic...


Weaning at 12 Months

J.X. asks from Los Angeles

I'm contemplating weaning in the near future (baby turns one next week). Just wondering, since my baby has never taken a bottle, what I can expect. Do you then bott...


Want to Wean 9Mo Old from Breast to Bottle.

C.M. asks from Colorado Springs

Need to wean 9 1/2mo old from breast to bottle but dont know how!! I dont have a mother around or any other family or friends to give me advice on this so im totaly l...