Eating Solid Foods & Weaning: Infant, Playtex

Results 41-50 from 553 articles

Weaning Issues -- Any Advice?

E.A. asks from Detroit

I didn't want to wean my daughter off the breast and ON to the bottle, especially since she is 15 months old, but she is having a hard time giving up her bottle. Any...


Help Weaning Breastfed Baby - He Won't Take Formula Bottle from Me

S.A. asks from Washington DC

Due to my work schedule, I am trying to slowly wean my 6 month old son off of the breast. Starting by only pumping once/day at work, instead of 3 times. I will also...


Help with Weaning: Breast to Bottle

J.L. asks from Dallas

I have a three month daughter. I have been breastfeeding her since she was born and have been having one problem after another. After I solve one problem, another one...


Help with Weaning: Breast to Bottle

J.L. asks from Dallas

I have a three month daughter. I have been breastfeeding her since she was born and have been having one problem after another. After I solve one problem, another one...


Weaning a 21 Months Old

C.L. asks from Austin

Hello ladies, My daughter is 21 months old, and is very attached to the breast, she doesn't drink any kind of milk but she takes yogurt and sometimes some cheese, ...


Helping 6 Mo Old Begin to Wean

H.W. asks from San Francisco

I NEED to get my sweet and (very) stubborn 6 mo old to start sleeping through the night. I also need to be able to leave her side, and to have daddy put her to bed o...


Sleeping Through the Night and Weaning

M.G. asks from New York

My son is 14 1/2 months old & I need help with two things. I am still breastfeeding and he still does not sleep through the night. I have been trying to wean him for ...


Getting Baby to Take Bottle

L.C. asks from Sioux Falls

How do I get my breastfed infant to take a bottle?


Weaning 11 Month Old

K.T. asks from Boston

My daughter is 11 months old, and I am trying to wean her from breastfeeding. The problem is she will only drink maybe one ounce of cow's milk, then gets upset and wa...


10 1/2 Mos Old: Sippy Cup vs Bottle vs Cup for Weaning?

J.H. asks from San Francisco

My 10 1/2 mos. old son will be 1 yr. in a few short weeks & I'm trying to set things up so I can begin weaning him at that time. He breastfeeds about 4x a day. My dil...