Eating Habits & Schedule: Teen

Results 1-10 from 572 articles


L.O. asks from Provo

I've recently decided that I need some kind of daily schedule. I have 2 kids (a wile 2 yr old boy and 1 month old baby girl) and I've been really lazy lately and jus...


Help with Breastfeeding

K.S. asks from Dallas

My daughter is 3.5 wks old I am breastfeeding her on demand usually every 1-2 hours. How often should I pump? I do not pump in the middle of the night. Usually 3x a d...


5 Month Old Schedule.

S.K. asks from Rockford

My little girl is about 5 1/2 months and I can't seem to get her on a schedule. Every time she seems to be in a pattern for waking, naps, nursing, etc... it gets blo...


Breastfeeding Dilemma

C.C. asks from New York

I never really wanted to breastfeed at all. I have read all the studies and know it is best for the baby. I am 39 weeks pregnant, and my husband is 100% for breastfee...


Feeding, Sleeping and Schedule for Twins

J.B. asks from Columbus

We are proud parents of twins who are nine weeks old. The last week or two they have become more fussy and life has become a little more challenging. My request wou...


Breastfeeding Aversion

M.M. asks from Pittsburgh

Is it JUST me, or does the thought of breastfeeding turn anyone else's stomach? I mean, to each their own and I respect every woman's right to do what she feels is b...


Baby Won't Take the Bottle

L.M. asks from San Francisco

Hello Wonderful Moms I need help.. I have been breastfeeding since my daughter was born. Now she is 6 months and don't take bottle at nights. (it's only at night ti...


How Long Was Your Kid Attached to Their Bottle???

K.L. asks from Austin

My little love bug is 19 months and still HAS to have her bottle at night to go to sleep. That's the only one she gets all day. But it is necessary to get her down. W...


Trying to Get My Son on a Nap schedule...any Good Advice?

R.F. asks from Dallas

My son is about to turn 3 months old and I am working towards getting him on a consistent nap schedule. Right now, one day he takes a couple good naps( hour or more)...


Need Advice Getting 6 1/2 Mo on a Nap/sleeping Schedule

A.C. asks from San Francisco

I started working from home about 3 weeks ago and it has been a struggle since my 6 1/2 month old baby wants to be held a lot and does not take regular naps. She wake...