Dry Cleaner: Pack n Play

Results 11-20 from 124 articles

Cleaning Baby Toys

C.M. asks from Charleston

Hi Mamas! What do you use to clean off your babies toys, carseat etc.? We just had relatives here with kids with colds, and of course we all got their colds. I h...


Too Much Television?

J.D. asks from New York

I allow my 19 month old daughter to watch about 2 hours of television in the morning while I get ready for work. I usually put her in her pack-n-play with some toys...


International Flights with an Infant

M.W. asks from Cincinnati

I'm considering an international trip over the next year so my baby and her father can see his side of the family - we would go to India and/or Hong Kong. Has anyone...


Home Safety Now That She Is Crawling

A.F. asks from Williamsport

My 9 month old just started crawling 4 days ago. Today, she found and put in her mouth 3 small rocks alone, one of which she choked on and gave me a terrible fright!...


A Binky Problem...

A.S. asks from Harrisburg

My daughter is just over a month old and I cannot get her to sleep at night. She seems to fight it. She gets so grumpy around 8 pm so I try putting her to bed. Fir...


Clean Pack and Play

M.W. asks from La Crosse

I found out that I am pregnant with our 3rd child recently. I have had the pack and play in the basement for 4 years and can't seem to get the mildew smell out of it....


Need Baby Registry Advice

B.D. asks from Kansas City

I'm expecting a baby girl in February, and we just brought home our new 10 and 5 year-old sons from Russia. Life is a little hectic right now, and most of my time is...


Occupying Babies/toddlers in Order to Take a Shower

S.J. asks from Milwaukee

What do you ladies do when you're home alone with your babies or small children and you need to take a shower? When my son was just born, I'd put him in the bouncy...


Suggestions for 8-10 Hour Flight

A.M. asks from Dallas

I'm going on a last minute trip with my 20 month old and 3 month old sons overseas in 2 weeks. The 3 month old will be easy, but my 20 month old doesn't even like 15...


Looking for Fun Table Top Activities for 3 to 5 Year Olds

B.C. asks from Joplin

I am reaching the point of desperation. I am used to keeping very young children entertained. Most of the older kids I have that I watch are part time drop ins. I am ...