Crib: Child, Britax

Results 1-10 from 93 articles

Opinions on Car Seats and Cribs

I.G. asks from San Francisco

Hi Ladies, My family, myself, hubby, 3yr old son, 10 month old daughter will be flying to Tennessee in 3 weeks. We are renting a car and staying at a timeshare. My...


Cribs, Car Seats, Bob Revolution, Nordic Cab? Ugggg.

P.L. asks from Hartford

Anyone have a car seat, baby jogger, stroller, crib, glass baby bottles, co-sleeper....any product for a new baby.... that they love? I am overwhelmed by the choices...


Seeking Advice on Strollers, Infant Seats, Cribs, Etc. for a Newborn/infant...

J.W. asks from Chicago

My husband and I are having a difficult time trying to figure out all the baby gear. We would appreciate any feedback on items/brands. I am due at the beginning of ...


Britax Regent Booster Car Seat

S.F. asks from Los Angeles

Hi Moms, I've heard that this is a really good, 5-point car seat for older children. It's kinda pricy, though ($250+) and since we'd have to buy 2 (2 boys) I want...


Issues About Crib on Vacation

M.C. asks from New York

My husband and I are going away with our 7 month old. She will be 8 months by the time we go. We are flying and staying in a hotel which only has metal cribs. I am...


Need Help with Getting an Infant Car Seat and Crib

V.R. asks from Dallas

We are looking to buy an infant car seat and a crib for our little one ( we're expecting in Aug). Ive been looking all around and the choices are a little overwhelmin...


Britax Convertible Car Seat or Graco Snugride Infant Car Seat?

J.M. asks from San Diego

When deciding on which car seat to buy prior to the birth of twins, is it better to invest in two convertible car seats from the start that they can grow into (and ho...


What to Get

S.C. asks from San Francisco

I have no idea what I need and what's the best for my buck. Can any experienced mom out there help me.. Car seat, stroller, best pumps, cribs, I have no idea what e...


Does Anyone Know of a Good Car Seat Once My Son Hits 22+ Pounds?

M.B. asks from Atlanta

My son is reaching the end of his "stage 1" car seat. Does anyone have a good recommendation on the next one to get? I've heard the Britax is great, however, it is ab...


Help! New Mom to Be Looking for Advice.

M.B. asks from Toledo

I'm looking for any advice and recommendations from all of you moms out there. This is our first child and I'm not sure which items I should buy or avoid. I'd particu...