Cow's Milk: Baby Einstein

Results 1-10 from 134 articles

Baby Einstein Dvd's

S.G. asks from Chicago

I am looking to buy Baby Einstein DVD�s and/or CD�s /if you are done with yours..and you think they are good/. Also have a question on what experience do you have wi...


Want to Do Sign with My Baby

C.A. asks from Portland

I think we could have averted a lot of frustration with our other two had we done signing. So I want to with our newest one. Any recommendations on things other than ...


Tips for Talking

C.C. asks from Miami

I have a two year old baby but since he watches tv in one language and we speak in other,now he has became in a late talking baby. Do you have any tips for make him ...


How Do I Help My 15 Month Old Learn Words?

H.M. asks from Dallas

Hey Mamas! Let me just say, I realize that all babies learn at their own pace and I know talking is one of those things that they just do when they're ready. That sa...


How Can I Teach My New Baby Another Language If I Don't Speak It?

F.W. asks from Phoenix

I'm pregnant with my first child and want to give my baby all the advantages I can, and there is so much that is lost so early. One of my main concerns is I want my c...


Weaning from Bottle Troubles

K.C. asks from Cincinnati

I think I am in hell. Hehe. First of, my son will be a year old on the 29th. Just wanted to clarify about his age. I am trying to wean my son from the bottle to the...


Nightmares or Night Terrors? at 15 Months?!?!

B.B. asks from Indianapolis

For the last 4 weeks or so, my 15 month old daughter has woken up suddenly screaming and crying within the first two hours of sleep. It's like she's having a bad drea...


Need Advice to Break the "Ba Ba"

K.M. asks from San Diego

My 3 year old has to have her "ba ba" in a soft tip sippy cup with milk when she wakes up in the morning and goes to sleep at night. She now has 4 cavities and I'm a...


Recommendation for Sippy Cups That Don't Spill...

M.F. asks from Chicago

Anyone have any recommendations for sippy cups that wont spill when held upside down? My son always takes his cup and shakes it upside down depositing milk everywhere...


Traveling/Jet Lag Tips

A. asks from Dallas

We are going to Ukraine next week with my six-month-old and 2-year-old. Any tips about how to keep them occupied on the plane? How about adjusting to the time chang...