Cleaning & Housekeeping: Ergo

Results 21-30 from 165 articles

Balancing Kids, Housework and Hubby

O.K. asks from Greensboro

i'm just seeking advice on how to cope with keeping the house up, spending enough time with my boy, (he's 4 mos), and spending enough time with my hubby. i feel like...


What Was Your Experience in Going from 1 to 2 Children?

H.1. asks from Des Moines

Hey Mammas, Just wondering what was everyone's experience in making transition from 1 to 2 kids? Did you find it easier or harder than going from 0 to 1? What ...


Carrier or Sling for a New Born

S.R. asks from San Francisco

Just wondering what type of carrier or sling is recommend that anyone has used to carry a newborn. We have a Baby Bjorn but I know that the baby needs to be older wi...


Advice for Communication Issues

K.M. asks from Chicago

Okay, so I am asking this for my fiance's best friend. I have known this man, S for 7yrs now, he lived with us for 3yrs and then got married and moved out. Is wife ...


Help - How to Clean House with a 6 Month Old Who Hates Being Put Down?

T.K. asks from San Francisco

We relocated not long before I got pregnant so have no family or close friends for thousands of miles to help watch him. I was on bedrest for months before the birth ...


How Can I Cope with My Sons Fits?

R.D. asks from Greensboro

my son is 2 years old, been having alot of problems with fits. If we try to get him todo anything he frowns, and throws his fits. He's been teething and has molers co...


I Just Need Other Mamas to Vent To.........

T.F. asks from Spartanburg

I've been stressing & beating myself up over something the past couple of months & just wanted to see if anyone has ever been there. I've been feeling guilty or bad ...


Baby Carrier for Twins

N.D. asks from Portland

My friend is going to have twins and I'm hoping to get great recommendations and input from other moms of multiples, so I can get her the best one out there. Or did ...


Robot Vacuum Cleaners

J.H. asks from St. Louis

Do they really work? I have a lanolium floor and carpet in my house and I am constantly sweeping and vacuumingand now we've added a puppy! I'd LOVE to just flip a swi...


Baby Gear Advice

K.S. asks from Chicago

Hi! I was wondering if you could give me advice on the newest baby gear. I gave most of my baby gear away 6 months ago(after my 4th child). Now surprise...I am e...