Child Sleep Issues: Saline Drops

Results 41-50 from 148 articles

Help for My Baby's Ear Infection!!!

C.W. asks from Saginaw

My 1 year old has come down with an ear infection. We just had her checked last night. This was her first cold too. It started with a runny nose a week ago and I just...


Sick Baby

A.L. asks from Dallas

My son is 5 monthes and very congested and fussy. (No other symptons)The congestion is causing him to breath fast. What should I do?


Sick Lil' Guy

J.G. asks from Canton

My son has a pretty nasty cold. We had to walk out on his year pictures yesterday. He has a nose that runs like a faucet, has been sneezing a lot, a cough, had a fe...


Stuffed up Every Night

D.K. asks from Denver

My three year old has had his adnoids removed and tubes in his ears. We matter of fact just went to the ENT for a checkup not so long ago. At that time I told him t...


3.5 Month .do I Have to Feed Her Rice Cereal and She Is Having Troubles with Gas

M.M. asks from Jamestown

My 3.5 month old girl began life with colic which lasted about 3 months. The last three weeks have been bliss not having to deal with the intense screaming. She is ...


Baby Not Sleeping Well

R.G. asks from Houston

My 8-month old is having trouble sleeping at night due to mucuous build up. It stops his breathing. He just gets mad and wakes up. The doctor has told us to try a hum...


How to Break up Phlegm in 4 Year-old

H.L. asks from Washington DC

Ok, so last time I posted I asked for help with my mosquito magnet 4 yo. Someone suggested menthol ointment on certain parts of body. I continue to spray my son with ...


Please Help !!!!! Traveling for the First Time with 11 Month Old Active Baby

Z.G. asks from Dallas

Hi Moms, I'm flying to Georgia with my 11 month old daughter who is very active. I'm seeking any type of advice that you may have to offer.I'm very nervous and so afr...


Congested Baby = No Formula/formula Substitution?

M.S. asks from Los Angeles

When your 1 yr old is sick with cough, congestion, runny nose how do you stay away from dairy or dairy-based formula if that is a good portion of their diet? Any home...


Toddler Has Cold Now for a Month!!

L.H. asks from Albuquerque

Hello! My 2 year old son has had a cold with a dry cough and nonstop running nose. He doesn't have a fever, but sleeping is hard for him because of the cough. My c...