Changing Schools: A&D

Results 71-80 from 91 articles

Baby Ecezma

M.H. asks from Pocatello

I have a four month old that has baby ecezma on the face, I've tried the baby ecezma cream, it helped a little bit, then it got worse, I have switch her formula which...


Thanks for All Your Advice!!!

M.M. asks from Dallas

My 5.5 month old daughter has her first sickness--diarrhea since Friday. We took her to urgent care and they said it is probably rotavirus. I just wanted to know if...


Anyone Ever Heard a Child with Eczema Developing Food Allergies?

C.R. asks from Orlando

Hi Mommies! I have a 17 month old toddler who was born with moderate to severe eczema. My husband and I have never really been too concerned with what he ate as it ...


Need Help with Dry Cracked Hands!!

C.M. asks from Houston

Hi Moms, I need some suggestions on a good hand cream or lotion to relieve dry cracked hands! I am a mom of a beatiful 19 month old son, and have a great husband ...


Severe Eczema! HELP!

C.S. asks from Miami

My 1 1/2 year old little boy has severe eczema. It is all over his body and he scratches himself until he bleeds. The pediatrician has given me several different crea...


Dry Skin That Hurts.

M.G. asks from Oklahoma City

my 2 year old has very dry skin like i do. its really hard in the winter on me i use lotion and i do fine. i use baby lotion on my daughter after each bath and in the...


Dry Hands

E.M. asks from Louisville

My 5 year old daughters hands are so dry they are bright red and almost to the point of bleeding! every time i put lotion on she screams and says it burns ( which im ...


Causes of Diarrhea

C.E. asks from Knoxville

My son just turned one this month. He's awesome, walking and chatting away. However, we are going on 4 days of diarrhea. My poor kid. It started Saturday and show...


Soap for Cloth Diapers

A.S. asks from San Francisco

I am swichting to cloth diapers at teh first of the month and am not sure what knid of ditergent i should be useing. I would really like something i can get at babies...


Highly Recommended Diaper Bag

S.B. asks from Anchorage

I'm expecting our first child in June and I am looking for a great diaper bag. I don't want to spend too much on it but I also want something with great functionalit...