Bunions & Corns: Hydrocortisone

Results 61-70 from 159 articles

Diaper Rash

S.S. asks from Omaha

My son typically has 1 poopy diaper per day. Yesterday he had 5 poopy diapers and 3 today. Not quite diarrhea but really mushy (sorry if thats gross) which started to...


Embarrasing Pain!

L.E. asks from Minneapolis

OK...I got a hemorroid (sp?) when I was pregnant, but it went away until just recently. Now it only hurts when I go #2, but it bleeds too. Yuck! Any suggestions ot...



L.L. asks from Beaumont

My grandson has eczema mostly on his legs and arms he is 8 yrs old. any suggestions what to use that really works. I have tried a lot of stuff.


Seeking Advice/suggestions on Excema

M.O. asks from Chicago

My soon to be 6month old daughter has developed a itchy rash to face, head, neck, and back. Splotchy along with small red raised bumps. Our pediatrician says it cou...


My 6 Yr Old's Eczema Is Awful!

G.T. asks from Boston

We use Aquaphor, hydra-cortisone cream as well as cream prescribed by her doctor - but her eczema is so persistent! We use 'free' detergent, no fabric softener, and...


Son with Skin Rash

L.D. asks from Boca Raton

My son is 18 months old and ever since he was born he has had eczma. We have tried at least a million different prescribed creams, nothing has worked. Any suggestio...


Dry Hands

E.M. asks from Louisville

My 5 year old daughters hands are so dry they are bright red and almost to the point of bleeding! every time i put lotion on she screams and says it burns ( which im ...


Bleeding Diaper Rash

K.L. asks from Corvallis

my granddaughter has a severe diaper rash and the sores around her bttocks are bleeding,what should i do?


Bad Diaper Rash That Will Not Go Away

S.P. asks from Norfolk

Hi, I have a son Nicholas who is almost 11 month old. I have breastfed him for almost 10 month and just recently stopped because he started to bite me. And it seems l...


HELP! I Have Eczema

B.F. asks from Lubbock

I was diagnosed last summer with eczema. I have breakouts on my legs and under arms. I have been using a steroid cream for 8 months. It controls the symptoms but I do...