Boppy: Child

Results 71-80 from 1,070 articles

Possibly Sick 12 Day Old

M.L. asks from Indianapolis

During the obligatory post-birth oohing and ahhing, some friends of ours came over last Monday to see our new baby and brought their 5 year old. After letting her hol...


When Did Your Child Start Sitting up Unattended?

K.B. asks from New York

My son is 6 1/2 months and he sits very well between your legs or in a high chair or bumpo but I can't just seat him on a floor without toppling to one side. My pedi...


Baby Cries Any Time She Isn't Being Held!!!!

S.B. asks from Dallas

My daughter turned four months old yesterday. Since day 1 of bringing her home she has cried unless she is asleep or being held. And lately it's getting worse, she ...


Advice on Getting a Two Month Old to Stay Asleep in Bassinet

C.M. asks from San Antonio

Hello everyone, I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice on getting my two month old to stay asleep in his bassinet. I am a new mom and since we've had our...


Help - 3 Month Old Won't Nap

M.B. asks from Los Angeles

I just spent 2 hours trying to get my 3 month old down to sleep for the night -- usually he doesn't have any problems going to bed at night, but he's so overly tired ...


Questions/opinions on Co-sleeping

H.D. asks from Sacramento

My son is 7 weeks old and up to this point he has slept in a bassinet right next to the bed. My son wakes up through the night wanting to eat (I am breastfeeing) and...


Mother-in-law Overbearing/comments Issue

C.B. asks from Fort Collins

My husband and I are very proud of our 7 month son, he's so much fun and we love learning everything about him as well as with parenting. My mother-in-law visits fro...


Alternatives to "Cry It Out"

S.T. asks from St. Louis

So you would think with the 3rd child, you'd have some tricks and tools to handle anything and wouldn't need any advice. HOWEVER, this baby is different than my othe...


Help with Newborn Sleep

L.S. asks from Austin

Hi, My first child is 2.5 years old and I now have a 2 week old. I can't seem to remember how to help a newborn adjust to sleeping at night. I know that you can't ...


3 Week Old with Reflux

E.S. asks from Amarillo

Okay my baby girl (which is my third child) is three weeks old as of this past Tuesday which she spent three days this week in the hospital to get the diagnoses of ac...