Body Changes: Weight Watchers

Results 51-60 from 269 articles

Workout Suggestions and Weight Loss Tips

S.B. asks from Chicago

I am seeking some suggestions and tips on good exercises to do with bad knees. Also, weight loss tips that have really worked for you. Since I had my son I have hel...


Lunch Time Ideas for Mom and Dad

C.A. asks from San Francisco

Hello everyone, My husband and I are on Weight Watchers and recently found ourselves unmotivated. I find that I eat well at breakfast, and then fall off the wagon a...


After the Baby Weight

R.F. asks from New York

hi, my baby is 4 months now. I stopped breastfeeding at 3 months and started weight watchers and walk 5 days for a hr and weight train 30 min 2 to 3 days a week. I hv...


Fellow WW Followers-Question on Recipe Sources Other than WW

T.A. asks from Sacramento

Hello Everyone, This questions is directed toward those who are following Weight Watchers (Points Plus plan). I’m currently doing the on-line program w/the e-...


Diet Pill Suggestion

K.L. asks from Norfolk

HELP. Ive recently started taking Relacore and it works great for lifting my mood and all that jazz and Ive lost 10lbs. Very slowly. I only take 4 pills a day instead...


Gestational Diabetes

M.E. asks from Philadelphia

i was diagnosed with gestational diabetes this week. I'm pregnant with my second child. I'm just worried that I will have diabetes after pregnancy. Is there anyone ou...


Menopause What Is Really Going On?

W.P. asks from San Francisco

Three years ago I went through menopause and ever since my body has fallen apart. I have hot flashes constantly, severe neuropathy, weight gain, thickening around the...


Help - I'm Fatter than Ever and Can't Get Motivated to Get on Track!!!!

E.C. asks from Los Angeles

Hi Everyone, Well, my subject line really says it all...I am so ticked off at myself on a daily basis for letting my weight get so out of control. That said, I ju...


Weight Loss - What Is Your Story?

C.M. asks from Cincinnati

I must lose weight, and I am working on slowly making changes. As such, I am looking for ideas and inspiration to help me along the way. So.... What is your weight ...


Looking for Moms to Share Their Stories About Loosing Weight After Kids

E.B. asks from Philadelphia

I want to loose weight in my stomach, back and arms. I have about 40 pounds to loose (holy cow that sounds like a lot when I write it down!!!) I was already 20 pounds...