Birthday Party Preparation: Older Child

Results 41-50 from 3,616 articles

Allowing 7 Year Old to Join in Birth Experience

C.P. asks from Albany

Hello I am 35 weeks pregnant and my 7 year old keeps telling me that he wants to be at the hospital to witness the birth of his sister. He has been asking for a fe...


Unique Gift Idea for 9 Year Old Girls

J.G. asks from Dallas

Any suggestions for a unique birthday gift for a 9 year old girl?


Need Creative Disclipline Suggestions for a 10 Year Old

C.W. asks from Dallas

Hi. I have a request for all the creative Mommys out there. I have a 10 year old son who is wonderful. He is a really good kid. We have one issue with him that ...


Advice for Handling an Unappreciative 7-Year Old

N.W. asks from Chicago

I'm the stepmom to a 7-year old. She is normally a very thoughtful and quite happy child considering her situation, which is she spends every other day/night at her m...


Gift Ideas for 8 Year Old Godson

M.P. asks from Chicago

I'm looking for a Christmas gift for my 8-year-old godson who is kind of a loner, a good kid, but not a particularly religious one. I've bought him veggitales videos...


6 Year Old Girl's Birthday Party

S.G. asks from St. Louis

My oldest daughter is going to be turning six in a few weeks. I wasn't planning on having a big party for her this year, but she has been invited to two parties from...


9 Year Old Suspended for Fighting

E.W. asks from Kansas City

My 9 year old son was suspended today for getting into a fight at school. He told me another kid hit him so he hit him back. He says he doesn't know why the other kid...


6 Year Old Birthday Party Goodie Bags

H.B. asks from Milwaukee

Hello, My son is having his 6 year old Birthday party at the bowling alley with 6 of hsi friends. I am looking for creative, original ideas for goodie bags or par...


How Do I Get My 10 Year Old to Be More Responsible?

M.H. asks from York

Hello, I am looking for some advice on 10 year old responsibility. My son is a very good student, very bright and fortunately does not struggle academically. My pro...


Book Ideas for My 8 Year Old

G.♣. asks from Springfield

My son has loved the Captain Underpants books and the Ricky Ricotta's Mighty Robot books (also by Dav Pilkey). I will see if he likes the other books by Dav Pilkey, ...