Hello K., This behavior is typical for this age, but you can not allow it. Do you have a time out chair? Super Nanny has books on how to handle this technique. Every time she runs away, it should have a negitive effect toward her. She has found that she is getting attention for the behavior. If it doesn't backfire for her than she will keep doing it, because she enjoys the reaction she gets from you. She thinks "wow, I can control mom!". Try not to talk to her, look at her, just go get her and make her have time out in the thinking chair. When you have sat her in the chair, let her know without extra words that running away is not allowed and that she needs to think about minding mommy. After her 3 minutes, (one minute for each age of the child)and(with no acting up, otherwise it won't work) kneel down and ask her if she has "thought" about why she is in the thinking chair. (That's what my family called it.) When she has apologized then let her get up. When she finds that the behavior no longer has a pay off for her, she will stop doing it. Get this one under control before she starts doing it in parking lots. I read once that the toddler stage is just preparing the parent for the teen years. Both stages are defient, looking for independenc, and testing every thing and every body!! LOL. Good luck. S.