Keeping Diapers/clothes on 19 Month Old

Updated on January 05, 2009
E.H. asks from Covington, GA
10 answers

My 19 month old daughter takes her diapers off constantly. She has been doing this for nearly a month so I attempted to start potty training her thinking she might be ready. Nope...she is not interested at all. We have tried everything short of duct taping them on her! She will pull her pants off then pull her diapers off. She doesn't mind urinating on the floor and she has figured out how to pull off pull-ups training pants. Please help! I am so tired of cleaning up her accidents off my floors.

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So What Happened?

Thanks to everyone for your suggestions. We did attempt potty training, but she's just not interested. The backwards diapers did work for a day or two, but she outsmarted us. She even started unzipping her backwards onesies, which we didn't know was possible. So, we have started to notice she only takes her diapers off at certain times i.e. to get our attention. We are just watching her constantly and praying she outgrows this phase very quickly!

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answers from Charleston on

It's just a phase--she's probably just really proud of herself and practicing her new (annoying:) skill. My daughter did the same thing at around the same time and it had nothing to do with potty readiness (she's almost 2 1/2 and still no interest in the potty)--she just thought it was cool to take her diaper off and even cooler because it got me fired up. I just ignored it and she eventually stopped when she got no reaction. Beware though, she'll stop with the diaper, and then move on to mastering taking her clothes on and off, putting on her own shoes etc. Good luck!

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answers from Charleston on


Had this same problem with my DD...I kept a roll of clear packing tape by the diapers/pull-ups and when I changed her, I would wrap clear tape all the way around folding over the very end to make a pull tab for easy removal...of course, in the back where she couldn't see it! Good luck! D. H.



answers from Atlanta on

My twin daughters did that, so you can imagine the mess x2!
I did end up duct taping their diappers all the way around and added a pair of safety cissors to the changing bag. It worked out well for me and it gave people something to talk about ;).
Hope this help,
Good luck



answers from Athens on

My son did this too and though it was comical at first it too became an aggravation cleaning up accidents. I too tried everything I could think of and even tried the tape taping it all around the diper into the back but that too posed a terrible mess with the #2 diper fulls. I did however put him in some pants that he couldn't unfasten and that helped too until he figured out how to undo them then I would put overalls on him and that too worked for a while even had to turn them around backwards so the fastners would be in the back but after all these attemps he finally grew out of it, and I endured the aggervation of cleaning up behind him. Time and patients is about all I can offer you otherwise...Good luck!



answers from Atlanta on

First and foremost, Mom you are doing great. Everychild has personality and your little one will get through this phase.

I would have to ask how you (and everyone else) reacts when she takes her diaper off. Remember any attention good or bad is still attention.

There are several strategies for getting through this: rewards, time-out and so on. Step one is you getting to a place where you do not react (I know it wont be easy so just putting the idea out there for you to consider). Second, deciding what she is getting out of this. Three, what are her consequences-time out, loose privileges (even at 19 months)or a reward system for each morning she makes it without taking off her diaper. Then progress to each day she does not take off her diaper.

Finally, staying the course. Once you decide on a game plan sticking with it.

Whatever, idea you pursue I wish you the best.



answers from Atlanta on

If potty training isn't working, and if backwards clothes and tape don't work, then i'd try this:
Set up your pack 'n play (empty of toys, no sheet on pad). Every time she strips herself, put her in the pack 'n play. If she wets, it will be easier to clean up. She's probably old enough to understand that if she wants out of there, her clothes and diaper have to go back on.
Good luck!



answers from Sumter on

i put my son's diaper on backwards! This works!



answers from Atlanta on

Buy one or two overall/coverall type outfits, that snap/button/zip up the Back. She obviously does not like the feeling of wetness, on her person. S. B.



answers from Atlanta on

It is time to start potty training. Do not put those pull ups on her those are just like diapers and are something someone made up to make money. Put panties on her. Every hour you need to take her to the potty and you go in and sit on the big toilet clothes down and everything. Turn on the water in the sink. You get a book and she gets a book, you sit there and read together. You can read outloud to her. Let her see that you are doing it and it is normal. Show her your pee-pee and let her flush the toilet. She may go and flush the toletHave patients. This can take awhile. IT is not an over night thing. Have her run around the house in her panties, that way she won't be messing up so many clothes. When she does go in her panties take her and go the the potty and talk about pee-peeing in the potty. She will get the hang of it. Encourage her Come on honey lets go potty. When she finally does go potty praise her. Don't give her trinkets or toys, use your words. You don't want kids getting used to geting things when they do something good. they will come to expect it and it will be harder to satisfy that want as they get older. It doesn't stop once they know they can get things, just bigger and more expensive.



answers from Atlanta on

When this happened in my life, 32 years ago, I purchased as many one-piece outfits I could find, in one size larger, and put them on my daughter backwards. I know this sounds awful, but it worked. Especially at bedtime....All pj's stayed on, and clothes as well. She'll forget about it....
Good luck.

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