Our insurance didn't cover it at first. we asked for a case manager to be assigned to our case, who then approved the helmet for my daughter.
a few things: kids do not get bothered by it at all. it has to be worn 23 hrs a day (+1 hr taken off during bathtime and drying). you have to take it off pretty regularly (esp. during warm weather) to clean the inside with alcohol. but all in all my daughter did great with it, and her head was reshaped.
also, we were told the helmet helps if fitted and wearing it before 12 months. afterwards it does not help, or unlikely to help. so if you're going to do it, do it asap. when we were first told insurance wasn't going to cover it, we asked the institute to give us the estimate (+visits) and our payment was going to be 2500 for the entire thing. after insurance we paid like 500 only.
i don't know if there are different brands out there. it's just a white helmet that gets shaved on the inside every so often to allow the head to grow. my daughter wore it from december to june. hers was not a severe case but even as such we could tell prior to wearing the helmet how her facial features were misaligned (nose, cheeks, eyes etc). that thing did miracles.
again my daughter was 6 months old when she started wearing it and had no problems whatsoever. actually i still have the helmet. so i say if you can go for it and do not wait.