7 Week Old Baby Having Too Many Bm's?

Updated on November 12, 2010
B.S. asks from Poughkeepsie, NY
13 answers

My 7 week old daughter has had 5-7 BM's a day for the last 2 days. This is far from the 1-2 a day which has been the norm thus far. She does not seem uncomfortable and is acting as happy as ever. I don't know if this is diarrhea or completely normal. She has been eating a little more as well so I don't think she is dehydrated or anything. I'm pretty sure it's nothing but I just want to be sure that I'm doing right by my baby.

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answers from New York on

Normal. Especially is she is breast fed. My son pooped sometimes 15 times a day at that age. If she is happy, satisfied and not dehydrated I wouldn't worry.

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answers from New York on

Yup. Totally normal. My son would poop 4-8 times a day while he was exclusively breastfed, then it went down to 2-4 times a day after we introduced solid food. It has only been in the past year where he's now on a one poop a day routine, but sometimes he throws us curve balls and goes more often.

You're doing great! Don't fear!

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answers from Dayton on

Completely normal, especially if you are breastfeeding.

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answers from Detroit on

This seems normal to me!! I have twin boys (now 3) and they still have 3-5 bm a day!!! When they were babies, I changed at least 6-7 per boy...that is just poop, not pee!!!
It seems like your little angle is just fine! Maybe she is going thru a growth spurt and eating/drinking/sleeping a lot to keep her body going! :)



answers from Washington DC on

Sounds normal to me. Many babies poop during or after every feeding, so even 8-10 a day can be normal. It'll eventually decrease to a more "mature" pattern.



answers from Los Angeles on

Is your wife nursing? Our daughter had a BM like clockwork after each nursing session at that young age.



answers from Dallas on

My kids are big poopers and always have been. As babies I went through countless diapers. Now, at 2 and 4, they are down to usually 2 or 3 a day, but sometimes as many as 5 a day.

If your daughter keeps up the many poops and as tired as you are of changing the diapers, just be glad that she poops a lot instead of not pooping and being constipated like several other kids are. :-)



answers from Seattle on

Yup. So normal. We've had a poo every hour days (and nights... with poo all the way up his back to his neck... yucky yucky yucky)... and we've had 1 poo a week. (For breastfed/human milk babies... 1 poo every 7-10 days is actually as common as pooping every day).



answers from Spokane on

Very normal - especially if she's breastfed.


answers from New York on

Hi B.:

The increase in food consumption may explain the increase in bowel movement. Things to consider: has her diet changed (type of food)? Is she being breastfed and is the mother sensitive to certain foods? Sometimes it may be a challenge to tell the difference between a baby's normal bm and something else. Check to see if the bm is pre/proceeded by stomach upset/fussiness, that may tell you that there is a possible irritation.

Take care,
Founder/Organic Mommy and Baby Healthcare Solutions



answers from Chicago on

So glad to know we aren't the only ones going through this right now. Our daughter is the same age and poops darn near every time we pick her up. How can such wee things have so much poop in them? Some of the didies are so bad they could be used as WMD. Wow!

Sorry you're going through this but know you're not alone! :-)



answers from Columbus on

If you are breastfeeding, it is absolutely normal. When my son was that old it seemed like every time we changed his diaper he had pooped, which was every couple of hours.
As long as the color of the BM is fairly consistent every time there shouldn't be any reason to worry. If it's tarry black, bloody or white it might indicate more of an internal problem. Also, putting some Desitin/Butt Paste or any other diaper cream would help alleviate any discomfort she may have due to the constant bowel movements. At this age if they are peeing and pooping well you know that you are doing a good job of feeding her well.



answers from South Bend on

In my experience, I would say that your baby is just fine :0)

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