Respiratory: Hydrocortisone

83 answers

Doctors Won't Help My One Year Old with Her Allergies

My daughter just turned 1 last week. She had colic and excema when she was first born. Her pediatrician thought she might have a protein allergy and put her on Nutramigen. We moved to another city and have been through five pediatricians now. Since coming off of Nutramigen and trying solids her excema has come back,she has a constant runny nose and a cough. She scratches so bad she makes her legs bleed. All the doctor's say here is that she has a viral infection. She has had severe symptoms since December and we can get no help. She...


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31 answers

Acid Mantle (Cream Mixed with Hydrocortisone) - Is It Safe?

I have a 15 month old son who has extremely sensitive skin and had horrible ezcema (sp?) since he was an infant. We found out that it was mostly caused by an allergy to pet dander so we had to give up our pug. Well, we have been using a prescription cream on him called A-Mantle since he was about 6 months old that our Pediatric Allergist prescribed (who is associated with CHOP). This cream is a hydrocortisone mixed with some other type of cream. We use it on him practically every single day (since he still has ezcema). I specifically...


Allergy or What?

When getting my 2 year old ready for dinner i took her shirt off and found...


Excema = Allergy?

Does Excema ALWAYS mean there is an allergy? My son is 6 months old and has...


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38 answers

Can Prolonged Use of Hydrocortisone Cream Affect Growth of Child?

Hello moms. My 18 month old boy has chronic eczema since he was 6 months old and have been using a hydrocortisone cream prescribed by our pediatrician. We have been applying this cream, a 2.5% formulation cream since he was an infant with varying degrees of eczema relief. He has needed it on a daily basis and we have been applying it twice a day to his ankles, wrists and behind the knee--the areas that are affected. We also use Aquaphor and pretoleum jelly emollients to relieve his dry skin. We have not asked our pediatrician though...


Is It Asthma?

My 1 year old son has had a cough since the second week in January. He'll...


Asthma or Not Asthma?

I have an 18 month adorable child who started to have wheezing at about six...


Cold & Flu

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31 answers

Acid Mantle (Cream Mixed with Hydrocortisone) - Is It Safe?

I have a 15 month old son who has extremely sensitive skin and had horrible ezcema (sp?) since he was an infant. We found out that it was mostly caused by an allergy to pet dander so we had to give up our pug. Well, we have been using a prescription cream on him called A-Mantle since he was about 6 months old that our Pediatric Allergist prescribed (who is associated with CHOP). This cream is a hydrocortisone mixed with some other type of cream. We use it on him practically every single day (since he still has ezcema). I specifically...